About the Book
JLR Spear is a collective voice expressed through one author. Representative of various loved ones crossed over that were murdered or tragically died is JLR Spear. The voice of the author is the author along with souls that crossed over in an untimely fashion. Included, are several points of view as well as others' experiences and writings all in raw, original poetic form.The collective of JLR Spear, a collided, voice, soul, mind, spirit of individuals living in honor of those crossed over. God's hand, heart, love, benevolence extended to all humans who remain and those to come in future.JLR Spear is a conduit through which encouragement, compassion, peace, kindness, consideration, and creativity flow to humans who are open and willing to receive. This conduit is an expression of many stories of others as well as experiences of the writer. Not of just male, female, white, black, Asian, Indian, and other races and cultures, rather all blended into one...is JLR Spear. Without prejudice, without judgement, a creative source to give and share.Child-like yet alive in this earthly shell for an appropriate amount of time to gain wisdom, insight, and understanding. Anonymous, JLR Spear wishes to make a difference through life-sharing, life-giving words having an impact upon the spirits housed within the bodies present now, and effecting tomorrows. JLR Spear is also, the child lost at birth and even before birth, one lost in the early years, teen and young adults, and adults lost to suicide, accidents, murder, drug addiction, diseased, and those lost to natural causes late in life. The writings of JLR Spear only exist due these. Spirit lives on eternally.Residing in the heaven lies, as we all we do through meditational prayer, so is partially ...JLR Spear. Inspiratory of receptive people to believe in themselves, do the self-work, reach beyond, create, discover, and heal. In the end death is never final. It is never the end of existence, rather just the beginning.What will your now, your future, and your eternity be? What will you create now in honor of your loved ones lost? JLR Spear encourages you, it is not over. Only you can create what is inside you. You are powerful!Blessings and honor to you... NAMASTE- I bow to you, SanskritVEDE, PATS, SALAM, LAPE', HACANA, MIR, SANTI, ZHI-BDE, PAU, MINAGGEN, DOHIYI, HEDDWCH, FRED, FRIEDE, IRINI, PCO, PAZ, BAKE', SOLH, PAIX, SIOCHAIN, SHEE, SANTI, UDU, FRIDIUR, HEIWA, RONGO, VREDE, POKOJ, MIR, PACE, SANTIPAP, SHALOM, BARIS, Peace be with you in 35 different languages.- JLR Spe