Horror meets crime in this gruelling story about Davies, a man killed in a duel for his fiancée's honor, who now returns from the grave as a sinister spirit to seek revenge!
The concept of a curse being carried out by a vengeful spirit, who is in reality the tormented soul of a just and wronged man, is an interesting twist on the cursed mummy/vengeful spirit convention in horror.
The nuanced depiction of Davies as the mummy/spirit is further supported by the true villains of the story - the seedy and immoral journalist, Ron, and the spirit of the old man who officiated the duel between Davies and his fiancée's rapist hundreds of years ago.
Both men are corrupt, but while Ron is motivated by journalistic ambition, he ultimately proves to be weak and pathetic.
The presence of the old man, who appears at both the beginning and end of the narrative, frames the tragic story underpinning the novel - Davies, Mary, and the tragic fate that befell them.
In addition to the excellent villains, the novel offers three heroes - Captain Tyler, Lieutenant Yasda and Sergeant Susan Sommes.
The three make a fantastic team, who embrace the reality of the supernatural happenings in their town in order to figure out the truth and end the curse.
Susan is a particularly interesting character; sleep-deprived and coffee-fueled for most of the novel, she is motivated by her true desire to reveal the truth. She's witty and clever - an excellent heroine.
Order your copy and join the haunted quest for the reckoning of the undead!