TOO TOUGH TO FEMINIZE until he messed with the wrong woman!
SAM always thought he was a tough guy. He was short, but strong. He could take a punch, or even a kick to the chestnuts, and still keep going.
SYLVIA, his wife, always thought he was a little too macho. Like maybe he was pushing out his chest because he had a Napolean Complex going on.
ONE DAY Sam got jealous and followed his wife to a meeting of (choke) Feminists.
NOW SAM IS IN TROUBLE, because the matron of the feminists is a 'take no prisoners' feminist, and she has a plan to make Sam see the light.
IS SAM TOO TOUGH TO FEMINIZE? Hmm. We shall see...
Grace Mansfield is from the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. She was married and has a child. Her husband being a 'cheating bastard, ' (her words) she took his truck, left her baby with her grandmother, and drove to Texas. Then Montana. Then several other states, before landing in Los Angeles.
She has worked as a stenographer, a court reporter for a small newspaper and a photographer for the LA Times.
Currently she is a gym addict, trying to fix years of abuse, and working on her novels.
WARNING: This book contains female domination, male submission, forced feminization, male to female transformation, cross dressing, chastity, pegging, and much more.