About the Book
Past Memories Ceasing his restless walk up and down the room, Tom Swift strode to the window and gazed across the field toward the many buildings, where machines were turning out the products evolved from the brains of his father and himself. There was a worried look on the face of the young inventor, and he seemed preoccupied, as though thinking of something far removed from whatever it was his eyes gazed upon. Well, Ill do it! suddenly exclaimed Tom. I dont want to, but I will. Its in the line of doing my bit, I suppose; but Id rather it was something else. I wonder— Ha! Up to your old tricks, I see, Tom! exclaimed a voice, in which energy and friendliness mingled pleasingly. Up to your old tricks! Oh, hello, Mr. Damon! cried Tom, turning to shake hands with an elderly gentleman—that is, elderly in appearance but not in action, for he crossed the room with the springing step of a lad, and there was the enthusiasm of youth on his face. What do you mean—my old tricks? Talking to yourself, Tom. And when you do that it means there is something in the wind. I hope, as a sort of side remark, it isnt rain thats in the wind, for the soldiers over at camp have had enough water to set up a rival establishment with Mr. Noah. But theres something going on, isnt there? Bless my memorandum book, but dont tell me there isnt, or I shall begin to believe I have lost all my deductive powers of reasoning! I Come in here, after knocking two or three times, to which you pay not the least attention, and find you mysteriously murmuring to yourself. The last time that happened, Tom, was just before you started to dig the big tunnel—No, Im wrong. It was just before you started for the Land of Wonders, as we decided it ought to be called. You were talking to yourself then, when I walked in on you, and—Say, Tom! suddenly exclaimed Mr. Damon eagerly, dont tell me youre going off on another wild journey like that—dont! Why? asked Tom, smiling at the energy of his caller. Because if you are, Ill want to go with you, of course, and if I go it means Ill have to start in as soon as I can to bring my wife around to my way of thinking. The last time I went it took me two weeks to get her to consent, and then she didnt like it. So if— No, Mr. Damon, interrupted Tom, I dont count on going on any sort of a trip—that is, any long one. I was just getting ready to take a little spin in the Hawk, and if youd like to come along— You mean that saucy little airship of yours, Tom, thats always trying to sit down on her tail, or tickle herself with one wing? Thats the Hawk! laughed Tom; though that tickling business you speak of is when I spiral. Dont you like it? Cant say I do, observed Mr. Damon dryly. Well, Ill promise not to try any stunts if you come along, Tom went on. Where are you going? asked his friend. Oh, no place in particular. As you surmised, Ive been doing a bit of thinking, and— Serious thinking, too, Tom! interrupted Mr.... About the Author
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Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9781548088361
- Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- Binding: Paperback
- Language: English
- Returnable: N
- Width: 60 mm
- ISBN-10: 1548088366
- Publisher Date: 19 Jun 2017
- Height: 0 mm
- No of Pages: 240
- Weight: 425.1 gr

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