ARE YOU READY TO MANAGE YOUR TIME AT THE BEST?For most of us, procrastination is subconscious. We do not choose to avoid a task intentionally, rather it just sorts of "happens." The majority of procrastination is controlled by the left side of the brain. The brain is composed of two hemispheres which work both independently and together to create memories, actions, and reactions. The left side is responsible for more analytical thinking and reasoning, while the right side tends to be more creative. On the left side resides the Ego.
Why do we procrastinate?
If your brain tells you, "this will never happen" or "you will probably fail anyway" that is your ego talking and creating doubt. By creating doubt, your brain is prompted to release certain chemicals much like those when you experience pain. This makes you feel better and the memory of that pain (albeit imagined and minor) is smoothed over and pushed into short term memory where it can be promptly forgotten about. In contrast, when we are productive or successful our brains release altogether different chemicals that evoke happiness. It's the anticipation of these happiness chemicals that make us crave success and completion, the issue is that the pain of our own ego is getting in the way.
This is the main subconscious reason we procrastinate, but the same response applies to conscious procrastination.
This book includes:
- Information on Productivity and How to Stop Procrastination
- Give you Insights on How To Work on your Habits
- How to Build an Effective Routine
- Learning to Be Focused
- Life Stories That Will Inspire You
- And soo much more!!
Some of us simply can't help our procrastination because of how we are wired. This is especially true of night owls and morning people. If you're the sort of person who wakes up bleary-eyed and can't function before coffee it's unlikely you are going to be productive without your morning coffee ritual. What you have done is created a method to lull your brain into a productive, or at least working state. That isn't procrastination, it's just forcing yourself to be productive when you naturally aren't.
Think about your habits when you're alone. When are you most awake and most likely to do things you want to do? If it's something you want bad enough you will go outside of these times to do it (work, special trip, event, etc) but given ideal conditions when would you be productive? Take the night owl as an example. Night owls often find they want to be up at night because that's when their brains are firing on all cylinders, all their creative juices are running, and they can get the most done. Those are the people that instead of sitting down after dinner want to clean the house, go out, and get on with things that need doing. They're the opposite of the people who jump out of bed feeling the same way and raring to go.
Anyways I can go on and on talking about Productivity but it is best if you learn for yourself by buying this book. Learn with us so that we can help you with your problem. So, why don't we get started? Press the buy now button and find out!