Have you ever wondered whether you have had Past Lives? Or what is Karma? Maybe you are recalling past lives and you don't even realize it?
Or do you sometimes have a vision or a dream and it doesn't feel like a regular dream but something else?
This is a Controversial topic I recognize this. I have had people tell me they do not believe in past lives. And I agree neither do I; I simply recall them. That is different like remembering an A is an A. Compared to believing you will win the lottery.
This is actually a very Pivotal Point of what I am trying to show with these stories, and I believe I do because my recollections happened so early on that I could not have had any other Pre-conceived Notions
I have told some of these stories to thousands of people, threw out my life as I have traveled, and every time I get the same responds: "You need to write a Book".
So here is a Small taste.
Thousands of People cannot be wrong?
This topic is simply my recollection of my past lives.
This is just a light introduction to a very intense topic of Karma and its consequences. Within this topic there can be many more detailed topics, but that will have to be other books.
This book can be looked as just a Sequence of Short separate stories that inspire you, or as a Part of a Soul's existence which is eternal and all of them are linked.
Either way I know the stories in this book have inspired and moved many people, so if you would like to know why I have been told by Thousands to write this book than all you have to do is "Buy it Now" and Join them in Being Inspired.
Enjoy and See you inside. Namast