Through the years I have jotted down some thoughts
in poems, songs, and such just for my own amusement, or
the amusement of friends, or to express some thought I was
having at the time. Some I have shared and some I have
not, mainly because I thought no one but myself would be
interested in reading my rambling. They were scattered
here, there, and everywhere, either in a computer file (under
who knows what name) or on a scrap of paper thrown
in an old file folder.
For years my son, Mark, has encouraged me to
get all my "stuff" together and publish a book so that he or
other members of our family could read them. He persisted
and finally I acquiesced . So, if you happen to be reading
this book, I hope you find something that pleases you,
or just makes you think, or makes you laugh. At least you
will probably get an insight into how my mind works. If no
one ever reads it and it gathers dust on some obscure shelf
somewhere, or in a box of "stuff you don't know what to do
with", that's okay. Maybe Mark will be pleased that I
finally "got-er-done".
Sometimes it is hard to express just how you feel
about a circumstance or situation, but I found that if I
spend some quite time in meditation and let peace fill my
mind and heart, thoughts do come. Then, thoughts into
Most of the things I have written are touched by my
faith in and love for my Lord, Jesus Christ. I only regret
that I am not articulate enough to express my sincere
thanks for His grace and mercy. But, how can anyone adequately
magnify our God? He knows my deepest thoughts,
and, thereby, knows my love for Him, but it would be wonderful
to have the words to express it to another human being.
If I could only touch a life and lead that life to Him,
I would feel I had been of some service. I can only say,
"Dear Father, thank you for the exalted privilege of being
Born Again through the sacrifice of your dear son, my Lord,
Jesus Christ."