About the Book
Since 2007, entrepreneur and philanthropist Vikas Shah MBE has been on a mission to interview the people shaping our century. Including conversations with world leaders, Nobel prizewinners, business leaders, artists and Olympians, he quizzes the minds that matter on the big questions that concern us all. We often talk of war and conflict, the economy, culture, technology and revolutions as if they are something other than us. But all these things are a product of us - people like you, who have ideas that matter. We live in fast-moving and extraordinary times, and the changes we're experiencing now, in these first decades of the twenty-first century, feel particularly poignant as decisions are made that will inform our existence for decades to come. Vikas Shah is not a journalist. But he is curious and persistent - two things that have driven his business success, but have also been instrumental in getting him access to some of the most extraordinary people on the planet. In Thought Economics, Vikas presents some of his most emotive and insightful interviews to date. Interviewees include: Marina Abramovic, Professor Jim Al-Khalili, Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah, Professor Justin Barrett, Professor Sean Carroll, Professor Deepak Chopra, Professor George Church, Dame Jane Morris Goodall DBE, Sir Antony Gormley, Bear Grylls OBE, Professor Yuval Noah Harari, Sir Anish Kapoor CBE, Rose McGowan, Sam Neill, Professor Steven Pinker, Dr Jordan B. Peterson, Sir Ken Robinson, Professor Carlo Rovelli, Sadhguru, Dr Carl Safina, Dr Elif Shafak, Philippe Starck, Professor Jack Szostak, Dr Maya Angelou (1928-2014), David Bailey CBE, Black Thought, Heston Blumenthal OBE, Ed Catmull, Alain Ducasse, Tracey Emin CBE, George the Poet, Paul Greengrass, Siddharth Roy Kapur, Lang Lang, Ken Loach, Yann Martel, Moby, Sir Andrew Motion, Rankin, Ritesh Sidhwani, Lemn Sissay MBE, .Saul Williams, Hans Zimmer, Carlo Anceltti OSI, Mark Cuban, Professor Stew Friedman, Professor Green, Commander Chr Perfect for: - readers interested in current events - readers looking for a variety of opinions and points of view from notable people