Imagine having in your pocket the five keys to unlock a life of fulfillment, purpose, and happiness. In his new book, THEY HAVEN'T MADE AN AX THAT CAN CHOP DOWN A DREAM: FIVE KEYS TO REINVENTION, author Lancelot E. Theobald, Jr. gives you those keys.
Rather than preaching at you with a lot of instructions, lessons, slogans, and catchy phrases, Lancelot shares with the readers his real-life, real-world story, filled with fascinating experiences and adventures, and how he applied the KEYS OF REINVENTION to his own life, leading to ultimate happiness and success.
Reading #ADREAM will offer you the critical tools to enhance your life, change your life, or show you how to create the circumstances to find fulfillment.
#ADREAM will show you how to tap into self-awareness, emotions, and the higher thought patterns that allow you to overcome the challenges and struggles everyone faces.
Although Lancelot continues to lead a unique life filled with discovery and perseverance, #ADREAM is an exciting, moving, and inspiring tale of his growing from a youth to becoming an adult. Some of the highlights in the book include Lancelot's survival of near-death experiences and his travels around the world. As the survivor of a major plane crash and a harrowing near-drowning incident, Lancelot continued to live life with courage, curiosity, and compassion.
As a Black man who enthusiastically embraces the mystery and miracle of being alive, Lancelot eventually applied the FIVE KEYS OF REINVENTION to his dreams, and with blind faith, dedication, discipline, and desire, he transformed himself from an athlete to a producer of theatre, ultimately becoming a talented, working, professional artist.
What will your life become when you apply the FIVE KEYS OF REINVENTION to your dreams? Lancelot's story does not only inspire but is a guide to what to do after you realize the truth: it's never too late to make your dreams come true.
At a time when Lancelot's life was not going in the direction he wanted, a feeling anyone could relate to and appreciate, Lancelot made the decision to do something about it. By leaping forward with terrifying but bold bravery, he used the FIVE KEYS OF REINVENTION to carve and plow an entirely new life path, and the reward? He discovered an understanding of himself and constructed this dynamic and powerful strategy for achieving his goals, no matter the axes that chopped at his dreams.
#ADREAM illustrates how to use the FIVE KEYS OF REINVENTION to become anything you want in your life. If you stay humble while aspiring to make a difference, you can develop these attributes into the tools that allow the greatness within you to emerge and flow freely.
The FIVE KEYS OF REINVENTION will help you unlock your vision and pursue your dreams, even if no one else believes in you, so you can turn the knobs and open the doors. As your journey becomes clear, the keys will help you open the door, muster the courage to go through, push you to keep showing up and doing the work and show you how to embrace your newly found inner strength to give you the life you imagined.