In this poignant and gripping memoir, the life of a woman unfolds across continents and eras, painted with raw emotion and relentless determination. Born in England and embraced by a loving American family, her story is a tapestry woven with threads of belonging, acceptance, and the unyielding pursuit of self.
Her carefree 80's childhood bridged two worlds, an idyllic blend of England's charm and America's vibrancy. Yet, beneath the surface, a struggle for acceptance brewed. Adolescence and adulthood became battlegrounds, as she navigated a turbulent sea of self-doubt, internal strife, and external challenges.
From self-inflicted wounds to unforeseen tribulations, her journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Her attempts at self-discovery took varied forms, each step a relentless quest for a place of solace and authenticity. With a heart that often overflowed with kindness, her path led her through marriage, parenthood, and the transformative power of unconditional love.
Through the haze of personal turmoil and heartache, her two remarkable children became her guiding stars, illuminating a path to happiness she believed was beyond her reach. Despite her strides, the shadows of her past and a sense of discomfort in her own skin remained ever-present, creating a constant struggle for peace.
As life continued to test her, layering tragedy upon tragedy, her resilience shone brighter. Her journey, marked by pain and perseverance, ultimately led her to a profound self-acceptance. In her own uniquely quirky way, she uncovered the serenity she had been seeking for so long.
"They Call Me...But I Think" is an unflinchingly honest exploration of identity, acceptance, and the unbreakable spirit that can emerge from even the darkest of times. This is a tale of finding oneself, not too late, and a reminder that the human capacity for healing and growth knows no bounds.