Quirky comedy. Poignant drama. Monologues for everyone from award-winning playwright Mark W. Sasse.This collection of more than fifty short monologues are perfect for teens and adults alike. Most of these are culled from Sasse's myriad, stage-tested plays - both short-form and full-length but also includes monologues written specifically for this collection.
No strong language! Only strong stories!From light-hearted romps about teen love and school trials to hard-hitting themes like inner city violence, bullying, regret, and relationships, Theatrical Monologues will give you plenty of options to choose.
Do you need a unique monologue for an audition? A fun monologue for a school project? An original monologue for a stage production? Theatrical Monologues delivers all of them plus more.
Bonus material includes three solo-acts for female performers.
Vol. 1: Theatrical Duets for Stage, Competition, or Classroom
Vol. 2: Tales of Wonder: Sacred & Secular Christmas Plays
Vol. 3: Dear High School
Vol. 4: Tales of Redemption: Christian Drama for Stage, School, or Church
Vol. 5: Theatrical Monologues for Audition, Classroom, and Stage
NOVELSA Diamond for Her: Myths and Tales of the Winasook Iron Horses (2021)
Moses the Singer (2020)
A Parting in the Sky (2019) (Forgotten Child Book 3)
The African Connection (2018) (Forgotten Child Book 2)
A Man Too Old for a Place Too Far (2017) (Forgotten Child Book 1)
Which Half David (2016)
A Love Story for a Nation (2015)
The Reach of the Banyan Tree (2014)
The Recluse Storyteller (2013)
Beauty Rising (2012)