The book having met with such a large measure of success, we thought it would be desirable to bring out a new edition incorporating the most recent developments in the subject. As we all know that medical science is a rapidly evolving field and one has to be updated in his/her knowledge to keep in pace with these changes. The MCI announced the “Competency-based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate†regulation in 2018. This is an outcome driven curriculum that is in line with current global trends. The MCI was replaced by National Medical Commission (NMC) in the year 2020. The NMC shall perform the functions as per the National Medical Commission Act, 2019. Recently many amendments have taken place in the law specially in context of sexual offences, artificial reproduction techniques, surrogacy, mental health etc. In this edition, an effort has been made to inform readers about these modifications. The simple style of writing which was the plus point of the 2nd edition is retained in this edition as well. It will help the undergraduate students to understand the concept of Forensic Medicine in a better way. Extensive use of tables and related colour diagrams provides value addition to the text. We have also rearranged the matter with the object of making the various sections more consecutive than they were previously to make a better sense of them. At the end of each chapters, potential long questions, short notes and multiple choice questions have been added. Besides undergraduates, this book also targets the postgraduates, post-doctoral and students from Forensic Science, Forensic Nursing branches. However, in today’s world of rising medical malpractice claims, every physician must be aware of his or her legal obligations, which is why specific devoted chapters such as Legal Procedures and Laws in Relation to Medical Practice are presented with up-to-date information.