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Textbook of Critical Care: Two Volume Set

Textbook of Critical Care: Two Volume Set


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About the Book

Textbook of Critical Care is an extensive two volume guide to all aspects of critical care. The first volume covers systems of the human body in individual sections; the second volume continues to cover other vital topics for those working in an intensive care unit. With over 100 international contributors ensuring authoritative content throughout, and full colour illustrations across 1500 pages, Textbook of Critical Care is a valuable resource for residents, intensivists, and emergency medicine doctors.

Table of Contents:
Contents Section 1: General Principles 1. Recognition of Critical Illness 3 Farokh Udwadia 2. Scoring Systems 8 Rajesh Mishra 3. Resuscitation of Cardiac Arrest, Postresuscitation Care and Therapeutic Hypothermia 15 Mayuki Aibiki, Hironori Matsumoto, Jun Takeba, Kensuke Umakoshi, Satoshi Kikuchi 4. Airway Management 26 Sheila Nainan Myatra, Madhavi Desai 5. Hemodynamic Monitoring 42 Daniel De Backer 6. Respiratory Monitoring 49 Chitra Mehta, Yatin Mehta 7. Neuromonitoring 66 Nidhi Gupta, HH Dash 8. Imaging in Icu 90 Ajeet Singh, Shrikanth Srinivasan, Deepak Govil 9. Sedoanalgesia and Delirium 116 Ramavath Devendra Naik, E Wesley Ely, Elavarasi A 10. Fluids and Electrolytes 131 Roop Kishen 11. Acid-Base Balance and Disorders 145 Rahul Pandit 12. Nutrition 151 Pravin Amin 13. Glycemic Control 158 Beena Bansal, Ambrish Mithal 14. Pressure Sore Prevention and Management 165 JP Sharma, Manal M Khan, S Saigal, DK Singh 15. Principles of Mechanical Ventilation 174 Pamela Eakin, Amit Bedi, Peter Farling 00 Prelims.indd 29 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM xxx Textbook of Critical Care 16. Newer Modes of Ventilation 182 Prashant Kumar, Yatin Mehta 17. Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation 195 JV Divatia, Amol Kothekar 18. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (Ecmo) 202 Poonam Malhotra Kapoor 19. Transport of Critically Ill 219 Himanshu Khurana, Yatin Mehta Section 2: Cardiovascular System 20. Pharmacology of Inotropes and Vasopressors 231 Janet Martin, Jonathan Borger, Davy Cheng 21. Acute Coronary Syndrome 243 Praveen Chandra 22. Emergencies in Valvular Heart Diseases 248 RR Kasliwal, Mansi Kaushik, Neeraj Bharti, Manish Bansal 23. Arrhythmias and Heart Block 262 Balbir Singh 24. Acute Decompensated Heart Failure and Cardiogenic Shock 270 Jason Chui, Janet Martin, Davy Cheng 25. Hypertensive Crisis 284 Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Yatin Mehta 26. Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis 291 Rahul Mehrotra, Jeetendra Sharma 27. Aortic Dissection and Aneurysm 301 Anil Bhan, Manvendra Singh 28. Cardiac Tamponade and Constrictive Pericarditis 307 Biswajit Paul, Sameer Shrivastav 29. Anticoagulants, Thrombolytic and Antiplatelet Agents 312 Ashok Seth, Vijay Kumar, Saket Junagade Section 3: Respiratory System 30. Oxygenation and Respiratory Failure 327 Gopi C Khilnani, Neetu Jain 31. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 334 Christopher Howard, Philip Ong, Joseph Thachuthara, Charlie Lan, Kalpalatha K Guntupalli 00 Prelims.indd 30 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM Contents xxxi 32. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Acute Severe Asthma 344 Ghulam Saydain, Manish Patel, Kalpalatha K Guntupalli 33. Community-acquired Pneumonia 351 Rajesh Chawla, Deven Juneja 34. Nosocomial Pneumonia 360 Rajesh Chawla, Prashant Nasa 35. Massive Hemoptysis 369 Chitra Mehta, Yatin Mehta 36. Pleural Effusion and Pneumothorax 379 Jagdish Chander Suri, Dipak Bhattacharya Section 4: Renal System 37. Acute Kidney Injury 401 Celina D Cepeda, Ravindra L Mehta 38. Renal Replacement Therapy 417 Ashish Nandwani, Vijay Kher Section 5: Gastrointestinal Tract, Pancreas And Hepatobiliary System 39. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Stress Ulcer Syndrome 429 Rajesh Puri, Parvesh Jain, Zubin Dev Sharma 40. Paralytic Ileus 441 Ajeet Singh, Sachin Gupta, Sweta J Patel 41. Mesenteric Ischemia 450 Shrikanth Srinivasan, Ankit Sharma, Deepak Govil 42. Fulminant Colitis and Toxic Megacolon 458 Naresh Bansal, Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Anil Arora 43. Approach to Elevated Liver Enzymes 461 Kaushal Madan, Richa Bhargava 44. Acute Liver Dysfunction and Hepatic Encephalopathy 466 Shalimar, Subrat K Acharya 45. Acute Pancreatitis 475 Randhir Sud, Smruti Ranjan Mishra, Zubin Dev Sharma 46. Hepatorenal Syndrome 483 Saurabh Taneja, Sumit Ray 00 Prelims.indd 31 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM xxxii Textbook of Critical Care 47. Hepatopulmonary Syndrome 489 Randeep Guleria, Vijay Hadda 48. Intra-abdominal Sepsis and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 495 Prakash Shastri 49. Approach to Portal Hypertension and Ascites 501 Ajay Kumar, Rajeev Shandil Section 6: Neurology 50. Approach to Unconscious Patient 513 Shivakumar Iyer, Jignesh Shah 51. Acute Ischemic Stroke 522 Arun Garg, Susant Bhuyan 52. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke 532 Kapil Zirpe, Sushma Patil 53. Seizure and Status Epilepticus 544 Atma Ram Bansal 54. Central Nervous System Infection 548 Arvind Kumar Baronia, Armin Ahmed 55. Neuromuscular Disorders 554 Susant Bhuyan, Sumit Singh Section 7: Endocrinology 56. Glycemic Emergencies 565 Wasir JS, Beena Bansal, Yatin Mehta, Ambrish Mithal 57. Thyroid Dysfunction in Critically Ill 575 Sauren Panja, Sudakshina Mullick 58. Adrenal Dysfunction in the Critically Ill 580 Subhash Todi, Bala Venkatesh 59. Diabetic Insipidus and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Secretion 587 Beena Bansal Section 8: Post-Surgical Critical Care 60. General Principles 599 CR Das, Rupak Bhattarai 61. Cardiac Surgery 612 Yatin Mehta, Abhinav Gupta, Richie Jain, Naresh Trehan 00 Prelims.indd 32 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM Contents xxxiii 62. Vascular Surgery 615 Rajiv Parakh, Himanshu Verma 63. Neurosurgery 623 Anshul Bhatia, Harsh Sapra 64. Renal, Heart and Lung Transplant 629 Ashish Kumar, Yatin Mehta 65. Liver Transplant Patient 642 Shrikanth Srinivasan, Deepak Govil, Jagadeesh KN 66. Immunosuppression in Solid Organ Transplant 651 Ravichand Siddachari, Subhash Gupta Section 9: Obstetric Critical Care 67. Approach to Critically Ill Pregnant Female 661 Donald R Lazarus, Uma Munnur, Nicole R Hall, Kalpalatha K Guntupalli 68. Pregnancy-induced Hypertension and Hellp Syndrome 671 Lakshmi Mudambi, Kalpalatha K Guntupalli, Saketh R Guntupalli 69. Liver Dysfunction in Pregnant Female 678 Maitree Pande, Rajesh Pande 70. Amniotic Fluid Embolism 682 Anjan Trikha, Bharathram Vasudevan 71. Ectopic Pregnancy, Antepartum and Postpartum Hemorrhage 690 Khusrav Bajan, Archana Shrivastava Section 10: Hematology, Rheumatology And Oncology 72. Coagulation Disorders 699 Nitin Sood 73. Thrombocytopenia in Icu 703 Jeetendra Sharma, Sharmishtha Shukla, Yatin Mehta 74. Anemia in Icu 708 Vijaya Patil, Nayana Amin 75. Transfusion Therapy 713 Palepu B Gopal 76. Thrombotic Microangiopathy and Vasculitis 723 Shruti Bajad, Rajiva Gupta 77. Hemophagocytic Syndrome 729 Nitin Sood, Priya Priyadarshini Nayak 00 Prelims.indd 33 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM xxxiv Textbook of Critical Care 78. Oncology Emergencies 734 Ashok Vaid, Ruchira Misra, Devender Sharma 79. Integrating Palliative Care in Intensive Care 741 Abhijit Bhattacharya, Balakrishnan Ashokka Section 11: Infections 80. Evaluation of Fever in Icu 747 Mrinal Sircar, Renuka Agarwal, Prashant Ranjan 81. Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Agents 756 Suresh Ramasubban 82. Principles of Antimicrobial Use 763 Supradip Ghosh 83. Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 771 Gauri Saroj, Dilip R Karnad 84. Clostridium difficile Colitis 780 Sameer Jog, Jai Mulchandani 85. Prevention of Nosocomial Infections 788 Uday Aditya Gupta, Abhinav Gupta, Yatin Mehta 86. Fungal Sepsis 795 Neha Gupta, Camilla Rodrigues, Yatin Mehta 87. Icu Care of Hiv Infected Patient 806 Madhu Nair, Kalpalatha K Guntupalli, Goutham Dronavalli 88. Infection in Immunocompromised Hosts 819 Amol Kothekar, Janarthanan S, JV Divatia 89. Tropical Infections 826 Ashit Hegde 90. Skin and Soft Tissue Infections 831 Rakesh Kumar Khazanchi, Sanjay Mahendru, Ruchika Rajan 91. Acute Viral Syndrome 840 Anil Gurnani, Tajinder Kaur Bedi, Kavita Khandelwal Section 12: Toxicology And Environmental Injuries 92. General Approach to Poisoning 849 Dhruva Chaudhry, Sunny Virdi 93. Organophosphate Poisoning 855 Pradip Kumar Bhattacharya, Lata Bhattacharya, Santosh Bhaskar 00 Prelims.indd 34 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM Contents xxxv 94. Common Poisoning 866 Jamshed Nayer, Praveen Aggarwal 95. Snakebite 885 Dhruva Chaudhry, Manjri Garg 96. Hypothermia and Drowning 891 Prithwis Bhattacharya, Debasish Pradhan 97. Hyperthermia and Heat Stroke 904 Prasad Rao P Voleti 98. Electric Injuries 909 Pradeep Kumar Verma Section 13: Trauma 99. Initial Management of Polytraumatic Patient 919 Wajahat Zafar Khan, Tanveer A Yadgir, Zafar M Khan, Ghulam Yasin Naroo, Marcus Ong 100. Traumatic Head Injury 932 Karanjit Singh Narang, Anurag Sharma, Rishabh Kedia, Ajaya Nand Jha 101. Thoracic Trauma 943 Ali Zamir Khan 102. Abdominal Trauma 954 Pankaj Sonar, Adarsh Chaudhary 103. Spinal Injury 959 Sumit Sinha, Gaurang Vaghani, Ashish Bindra, MC Mishra 104. Pelvic and Long Bone Injuries 974 Balvinder Rana, Ritabh Kumar, Pushkar Chawla, Ashok Rajgopal 105. Rhabdomyolysis and Fat Embolism Syndrome 979 Rakesh V Sondekoppam, YK Batra Section 14: Miscellaneous 106. Immunological Emergencies 991 Sandeep Dewan, Munish Chauhan 107. Brain Death and Care of Patient for Organ Donation 995 Subhash Arora, Gopal Taori 108. End of Life Care 1004 RK Mani, Prashant Saxena 109. Quality and Errors in ICU 1008 Banambar Ray 00 Prelims.indd 35 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM xxxvi Textbook of Critical Care 110. Intensive Care Design, Organization, Functions and Administration 1016 Narendra Rungta, Neeru Sharma, Neena Rungta, Manish Munjal 111. Critical Care Research 1022 Ravi P Mahajan Appendix-I: Cardiovascular Imaging 1029 Yatin Mehta Appendix-II: Neuroimaging 1032 Harsh Sapra, Dhruba Lahkar Appendix-III: Respiratory Imaging 1035 Poulomi Chatterjee Index 1045 00 Prelims.indd 36 04-07-2015 10:34:46 AM

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9789351529682
  • Publisher: Jp Medical Ltd
  • Publisher Imprint: Jp Medical Ltd
  • Edition: 1
  • Language: English
  • Returnable: N
  • Sub Title: Two Volume Set
  • Width: 216 mm
  • ISBN-10: 9351529681
  • Publisher Date: 31 Aug 2015
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Height: 279 mm
  • No of Pages: 1500
  • Spine Width: 0 mm
  • Weight: 110 gr

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