Enjoy being introduced to Winnie Sheffield Diamond, who lives to be 100 years old, in The Tenth Mile. Each decade of her life represents a mile of her journey. Follow her along the path of her life, meeting friends and loved ones who helped make her long life a happy one.
Born in 1912, Winnie's family faces the challenges of loss and disappointment. But there is an abundance of strength found within the circle of their family. The goodness of life gives balance to the hard times as the five Sheffield children individually seek out, and find, their place in the world.
When Oliver Diamond enters her life, Winnie's interests lies elsewhere. But circumstances eventually draw them together in what quickly becomes a moving love story.
Ollie's easygoing, fun-loving nature makes him one of the most loved characters in the book. His shenanigans and the raw-edged honesty of fellow character Hester Driver will keep you laughing.
Midwife Maggie Windsor, who delivers the Sheffield children, becomes an extension of the family when she is asked by Winnie's mother to live with them. With a compelling story of her own, Maggie's metamorphosis is a touching tribute to the power of being loved and accepted.
You'll feel as if you know each of them as they journey through their lives, leaving their footprints behind in the rich soil of Blue Ridge, Georgia.
About the Author
The author, Mary Sue Holton, is retired from many years in health care. She is a lifelong Floridian with a love of writing since she was in third grade. Through writing, she has the opportunity to expand on her imagination, bringing to life the characters which live in her.
Mary Sue began writing poetry and short stories, but dreamed of someday writing a novel. The opportunity presented itself when Mary Sue's sister described a story idea which she called The Tenth Mile. "Can I write it?" Mary Sue asked. And with her sister's consent, she did.