Our self-respect as a race has been compromised since the beginning. Self-respect and self-confidence are necessary to unleash all of the beneficial characteristics of a sentient race, like honour, integrity, compassion, dignity, et al that will epitomize the human, once we shed our bewildering animal heritage.
We are too powerful to be so feeble. All of the noble characteristics of humanity are on the wane. There is one ridiculous reason that is so.
We have been caught between our sentient awareness and our animal instincts. Our sentient state has retreated in surrender.
To attain our uncompromised sentient state, we now face the challenging task of confronting three millennia of sentient creativity and imagination that was inadvertently, unknowingly, used to confound humanity by creating nonsense.
It has always been a matter of overcoming the desire to deflect. We have relied on the subconscious to obscure an issue that disturbs us immensely.
When an animal cannot cope with an issue, it shunts the thought away into the subconscious never to be heard from again. That started more than three millennia ago.
That is inconsistent with our sentient state. The human faces it's conscious awareness regarding every issue and engages the issue. Anything else is insane.
Our sentient awareness faces the circumstances and the consequences, whether we like it or not. We cannot turn that highly evolved awareness off. When our conscious awareness is suspended, so is our sentient state. We revert to the animal. Like clockwork.