If you are doing everything you can and nothing seems to work, then you could be doing too much. That's right! If your teen is not passionate about their lives or they are stuck in the mud then Ten Tips to Tame Your Teen is the book for you.
Bribing doesn't work! Grounding doesn't work! Yelling doesn't work! But the Ten Tips do work! Ten Tips to Tame Your Teen: Strategies That Work! is much more than 10 simple and easy tips that help parents, parent better, by parenting less. It's also jam packed with Handy Insights and Fun Facts about Adolescents. Read this book and learn the secrets underlying adolescent behavior.
Ray is a clinician with over 30 years of experience working with teenagers and their families. Many are praising this book as the next parenting bible. Ray says, "Parents are placed between a rock and a hard place when their previously, naive and precious children turn into a sullen, mono-syllabic uttering eating machine."
Ten Tips to Tame Your Teen teaches parents the differences between "Teen World" and "Grownup World". He empowers parents to hold their teen accountable and support their teen in taking ownership and responsibility for their life choices.
Your teen has a lot to learn and if you keep doing things for them, they will not learn how to do it for themselves. Ten Tips to Tame Your Teen: Strategies That Work!was written to help you understand what is going on with your teen and he guides your response in ways that supports your teen's growth into adulthood.
Nobody does anything perfectly the first time, especially teens even though they think they can. They make mistakes. They screw up but don't you fix it. It is not your problem. It's your teen's problem. Your teen needs you to let them fall down. It's the "getting up" that builds the resilience which underlies all success stories. With your support and their brain, they will get off their butts and jump start their lives.
Don't fear for your teen. This only holds them back. Experience is the only way they become that magnificent human being you imagine them becoming. Ten Tips to Tame Your Teen helps you to see beneath their bonehead behavior and hold sacred the amazing person your teen is.
Don't wait until your teen is 34 years-old and camped out on your couch. Don't delay. Get your copy of Ten Tips to Tame Your Teen today!