Are you a student with exams looming and feeling the emotional and physical strain like a heavy cloud hanging over you?
Are you feeling:
- Overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or panicky?
- Sick with nerves, stomach churning?
Afraid that:
- You won't remember anything at all?
- Your mind will go blank and you'll feel paralysed?
- You won't perform at your best?
- You won't get the grades you need to get into the college or university of your choice?
- You might not do as well as your friends and peers?
- You won't live up to your parents' and teachers' expectations?
- You won't live up to your own?
Want to:
- Feel in control?
- Feel confident and calm?
- Take the exams in your stride?
- Be able to calm yourself down quickly and easily?
- Be motivated to study and concentrate?
- Remember all you have learned?
- Do the best you can do and know you are capable of?
- Come out with the results you deserve?
Strategies, practical tools and tips for students, (and parents and teachers), to manage exam nerves, take revision and exams in your stride and get the results you are capable of