In this readable and practical book, Dr. McIntire, father of three, gives troubled parents helpful solutions in their struggle to remain close to their children as they become adults. The 104 answers to the top 12 parenting questions include examples and common dialogues from McIntire's 35 years of experience. He describes family dynamics that ring true and offers helpful strategies readers can start tomorrow.
This is the seventh edition of Dr. McIntire's Teenagers & Parents, which has reaped excellent reviews and been published in seven other countries including Germany, Korea, Thailand, Slovenia, and others.
Dr. McIntire taught child and adolescent psychology, behavior analysis and family counseling at the University of Maryland for 32 years. He has authored eight books about parenting including Enjoy Successful Parenting, For Love of Children and Child Psychology (a college text). In addition to his work with families, he was a consultant and advisor to teachers in preschools, grade schools, high schools and colleges. Dr. McIntire's research publications (over 100) have dealt with infant vocalizations, eating problems, strategies in elementary school teaching, high school motivation and college student adjustment and retention.
The 12 questions are:
Question 1. How Can I Learn What's Going On?
Question 2. Is My Teenager A TV Or Computer Addict?
Question 3. How Should I React To Their Reactions?
Question 4. How Do the "Games" Play Out?
Question 5. Should I "Get Tough"?
Question 6. Are Boys More Trouble In School?
Question 7. How Can I Discuss Loving, Liking, And Sex?
Question 8. How Can I Encourage Their Help?
Question 9. How Should I Treat Fidgeting?
Question 10. What Can I Do About Bad Habits? (Smoking, Alcohol, And Drugs)
Question 11. How Can I Help My Almost-Adult?
Question 12/ How Do I Protect Myself?
Each question is discussed with multiple answers delving into why parents and teens argue, should a parent "get tough." worries about a teen's computer addiction and who's trolling his or her social media, what to say if your teen tells you he's gay, and how to help a teen get through college.