Through a guided tour always poised between dark manipulation and sweet persuasion, you will learn from the most ancient notions of applied psychology, to the most current persuasion techniques that large organizations, governments but also particularly gifted ordinary people put in place every day to guide every your choice and desire.
"Some people are born with a gift! Always saying the right thing at the right time. All the others have to study and learn the technique so as to make the art of persuasion an applied science "Prof. Robert Cialdini"
In this book you will discover how to persuade, influence and possibly even manipulate the people around you, but also and above all to defend yourself from those who daily control you and dominate your every unconscious desire.
It will be a journey to discover the secrets of persuasion, of behavioral analysis. A text that explores the secrets of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and will show you that you too will be able to positively control the MIND of your interlocutors.
In this book we will discuss the following topics:
✓ How the human mind works
✓ Learn more about the art of persuasion
✓ Mind Maps
✓ NLP and Persuasion
✓ The 6 principles of persuasion
✓ Basic knowledge in mind control, manipulation and psychology
✓ How you can influence people
✓Practical NLP exercises aimed at persuasion
✓ The tools you would need to convince someone
✓ How to transform a NO into a YES
...And more!!
When you have influence over someone, you have great power over their life. The difference between persuading and manipulating is subtle but there is a line!
In this book we will teach you to apply one and defend yourself from the other ... how? Recognizing it!
★ Amazon is unfortunately full of long and empty books, made up of useless words designed only to ensnare the reader, reducing the craft of writing to a simple and vulgar market operation.
The agreement that I propose to you with the purchase of this book is instead simple and honest: Every word has a meaning, and every sentence a weight. Nothing has been added just to fill pages and no concepts repeated ad nauseam, if like many readers you are scrolling through the list of books in search of the rare pearl STOP, because you have found it. ★
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