How can a congregation get more Bible class teachers? One answer is, "Train
more teachers." We like to do what we do well. J. J. Turner speaks frankly
in his new book, Teachers, Wake Up!, to encourage churches to be conscientious about discovering, developing, and training candidates who will progress into superior teachers who in turn train others to teach. He points out that God's teacher must ask, "How will
this lesson contribute to necessary changes in my students' hearts?" God does
not change; our accountability is to Him. Skilled teachers know that His Word
convicts and motivates souls that are eternal. A teacher's work has everlasting
Dr. Turner states, "This book is a wake-up call for existing teachers, past
teachers, those desiring to teach, and those who resist being a teacher; thus, every
Christian. Above all, it is a wake-up call for church leaders to reexamine,
reevaluate, and retool their congregational education program-beginning with
teachers. Let's make training a priority."