About the Book
AutoCAD is the leading computer aided design software used by architects, engineers and draughtspeople worldwide. Based on the latest release of the AutoCAD software, this book is an introductory level text and is intended for new users of the software. It will introduce you to AutoCAD's key tools and techniques, give clear and concise intructions on how to use the package and will avoid the use of jargon. Although AutoCAD is a very powerful and sophisticated package, capable of handling the most complex constructions, it is also well-designed and logical; readers of this book can quickly grasp the skills needed for AutoCAD and become competent in its application.
Table of Contents:
1.introducing AutoCAD: starting AutoCAD, the AutoCAD window, the toolbars, the mouse in AutoCAD, model space and paper space, starting a drawing, zoom, drawing with the mouse, snap, object snap, specifying coordinates, the Line tool, saving and closing files, opening files, the DWF format and viewer, exercises
2.the drawing tools: the Draw menu and the toolbar, rectangles, circles, construction lines, polygons, arcs, splines, ellipses, ellipse arcs, points, polylines, selecting and editing objects, exercises
3.modifying objects; the modify toolbar, erase, copy, mirror, offset, array, move, rotate, scale, stretch, trim and extend, break, chamfer, fillet, explode, exercises
4.properties: the Properties toolbar, lineweight, linetype, line colour, the Properties palette, exercises
5.fills and hatches: hatching, gradient fills, multiple hatches, exercises.
6.text: text on drawings, single line text, multiline text, bullets and numbers, tables, exercises
7.dimensions: adding dimensions, leaders, dimension style, dimension symbols, extension lines, dynamic input, dynamic dimensioning, exercises
8. layers: what are layers?, creating layers, objects and layers, layer groups, exercises
9.blocks and the design center: blocks, the DesignCenter, inserting a block, dynamic blocks, DC Online, exercises
10. from sketch to plot: sketches, orthographic projection, model space and paper output, setting up and drawing, layouts, viewports, plotters and plotting, output to PDF, exercises
11.drawing in 3D: 3D modes, the Z coordinate, 3D polyline, tips for drawing in 3D, plotting 3D drawings, exercises
12. 3D solids: defining solids, combining solids, the Shade options, rendering, exercises
13.taking it further