About the Book
The Law of Attraction is undoubtedly the most exciting and misunderstood idea to come about in a long, long time. Exciting because the promise of wealth, abundance and prosperity is huge. Misunderstood because it isn't being grasped in its entirety. The term Law of Attraction is a recent phrase for something that has been around for thousands of years. Great teachers like Abraham-Hicks, Steve Pavlina, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Christy Whitman, Margaret Lynch, the movie "The Secret," "What the Bleep, artfully describe this law and have made it a household word. But one thing remains missing. And what is that? A practice that enables the student to embody this law as a Way of Life and not just a nice idea. And what is that practice? Allowing. According GP Walsh, spiritual teacher and radio personality, this Law is simply "the way things actually are." In other words, the Tao or nature itself. It is not a technique. It is a Way of Being! "A key piece of the manifestation puzzle that is often overlooked - and is addressed head-on in The Tao of Allowing - is that before we can successfully take that next step toward greater fulfillment, abundance and success, we must feel in the very core of our being and nervous system that it is safe to take that step. As long as we are operating in a state of fear - whether expressed as resistance, defensiveness, or what G calls the 'contrived, artificial behaviors' that we adapted early in life to ensure our continued acceptance in our social 'tribe' - all our efforts forward inevitably grind to a halt, every single time." - Christy Whitman: New York Times Bestselling Author So, more than just a passive, wait for it to happen attitude, The Tao of Allowing is a very active way of engaging with life. Instead of trying to force it to our will, we allow ourselves to flow with life. We ride the wave. We surf on the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction has promised a great deal. Things like: Effortless wealth, health and relationships (even weight loss) A stress free life More customer for your business The front parking space at Wal-Mart Whatever you want from the genie of the universe So how come the only people who seem to get all those results are the ones teaching everybody else how to do it? I thought this was a law? It IS a Law. Not magic. Like the Wright Brothers, who experimented for years before getting that first plane off the ground, you need to understand the Law. It is not an act of faith. It is an act of understanding. Once you understand the law, then, like the Wright Brothers, you get to build the airplane. Ancient Chinese medicine, Feng Shui, martial arts, acupuncture, understood how life actually moved and functioned. That is how they healed and did miraculous things. They called this natural flow The Tao. And the Tao is the center of "The Tao of Allowing" and its experiential approach to learning and mastering the law of Attraction. So don't stand in the ocean trying to push the waves back out to sea. Grab your surfboard and come surf the Tao of Allowing. "Working with G and being exposed to his teachings, I started to listen to the voice inside. I started to listen to my body! What I got was a screaming and yearning for ME to come out. I took the leap and now I can see from the other side, what started with listening to that voice with the guidance of G, I am now 100% doing the work I love as a coach of women entrepreneurs on a mission (not interpreting). I accept challenges in my career like taking charge of a $2 million project, or teaching on stage in front of 100s of people. Only a few years ago I would have said no, I would have ignored the inner voice, I would have said, oh no, I can't do that. Here is the kicker...I am making way more money as I continue to say yes. " "I love G and I always love how he makes the concepts that are so hard to grasp easy for us mere humans to understand." Beth
About the Author: GP Walsh is a man of extraordinary talent. A Speaker, Author, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Workshop Leader, Master Coach. Master Meditation Teacher and a recognized EFT Expert, he has been coaching and healing for over 30 years and has touched thousands of people with his irreverent humor, his bold assertions, his contradictions of conventional wisdom and his unyielding compassion. Nicknamed "The Irreverent Sage" he has been called a prophet, a wise man, a sage, a rebel, a spiritual misfit, a trouble maker and a few things less nice. With a rare honesty, a biting wit, the timing of a comedian, and insights that can make your head spin, GP has the unique ability to take the most arcane, ambiguous and impenetrable life teachings and bring them into language that anyone can understand. GP is an expert on: - SPIRITUALITY
He is the host of the "Law of Attraction 2.0" radio show with over 25,000 listener as well as Founder of "The Balls Project - Self Help for Men". A speaker, teacher and workshop leader for over 30 years. He is a recognized expert in leadership and innovation, creativity as well as personal development, finding and living your life purpose. He is also skilled in several healing arts and is a master at relieving stress and conflict, in the workplace and in one's personal life. His message goes way beyond just self-help encompassing the deepest questions that people are (or should be) asking. A natural teacher, his background is as diverse as his interests having been a composer and pianist and performer. He has been a voice over talent for radio, TV and even video games. He has also been a business consultant to fortune 500 companies and even started several companies (one of which is now being run by his 2 sons). GP is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, the International New Thought Alliance and a Minister in the Universal Brotherhood Movement