A book brimming with over 50 simple hacks and tricks on Tantric Sex. A manual With Tom and Jane in mind. A manual that makes having multiple orgasm seem like a breeze and not a dream
So far, Tantric Sex seems to be the stuff reserved for gurus, rock stars, that weird hermit down the street and the bizarre sex cultist. Oodles of books peddling the stuff like you have to be Doctor Strange. Chakras, Gods, Hindu practices, more trippie insanity than that time someone slipped you acid at a Grateful Dead concert. Well, I'm here to tell you that Tantra, once you filter it out a bit and pluck out the practical methods, is a cinch. It's as easy as pie. Boosting up your sexual prowess shouldn't be a daring task requiring you to get a master in eastern philosophy. This is THE go-to manual on how to do the Tantric Sex jig with over 50 valuable tips.
Jesus, please, stop, I haven't been to work in a week. I think that's the police knocking at the door, Please stop, I'm dehydrated, What you still have something more to show me? O.K. screw it, if the Federales burst in I'll just tell them to snap some photos.
Sex is an art form. One that anybody with the right guide can master.
What You Will Learn From This Book
- How to Tantra your ass off. It's not just for Sting, it's for you too. How to become multi-orgasmic. How to take your lover to seven heaven. How to surf the wave of erotism. Over 50 ways to strut into the bedroom and rock their world.
- Over 50 ways to really build up your sexual portfolio. Learn the secrets of the Yoni massage. Explore the wonders of the Venus Butterfly. Dominate foreplay once and for all.
- A step by step guide on Chakras, religions, sex magic and all those trippy concept we can either take to heart or ignore.
- A practical, please hold off the insane religious clap-trap and New Age spiel, manual on Tantric Love.
- Fetishes, Fantasies, Paraphilias and all manner of depraved behavior to get your rocks off.
- A guide that will take you from masturbation, to foreplay, to coitus, and all the way around. Yes, kids, spanking the monkey will be a requisite in this class
- Quotes from actors, comedians, adult film stars, your neighbors and complete strangers on the streets.
- Real life sexual interactions. An encyclopedia Tantric enthusiast confessing.
- A checklist of why your libido or your lover's libido decided to take a 3 year nap.
And so much more. Pages and pages and pages filled to the rafters with filth. You'll get strap-ons. You'll get spunk sandwiches. You'll get ads to stave off Mescaline. You'll get positions. You'll get instruction on what lube to buy. You'll get the inside scoop on what to avoid.
Discover the secrets of Tantric Love. Grab hold of your lover and ride them like tomorrow is the Apocalypse, ride them till' you're both emaciated and in need of nourishment.
In your hand you have to Go-To manual for kicking complacency, a short fuse and your sucky love life in the testicles. A manual for driving your lover wild with lust and desire. A guide that will give all the skinny and straight inside dope on Tantric Sex. A book busting at the seams with over 50 tricks and hacks on how to become a a SEX GOD.