This book is about the good life gone bad, the land of plentiful gone peccable.
Stephen - the main, lives holed up in his room, watching perfect lives on TV, dreaming of what it would be like to be safe, to be happy, to be loved and to be normal. Yet this is not to be. Stephen who lives with his mother, whom he calls "The Hogbeast", and is convinced she is trying to kill him with her cooking and smother him with her hate. He also has a pet dog named DOG, whom is his only friend, and who's back has been broken by "The HogBeast" by flinging a brick at the dog.
Coincidentally, Stephen has started a new job at the slaughter house as the meat grinder (the end of the line so to speak). His new boss Cripps, an insane slaughter house foreman who preaches the gospel of self-empowerment through killing, encourages Stephen to become one of the cow killers (the beginning of the line) in order to become a "real man".
Into the mix of bizarre characters we meet Lucy, the girl who lives in the apartment upstairs and spends her nights searching for the toxins she knows are collecting inside her body and who is obsessed with vivisection, and starts to believe there may be a ray of light in Stephens otherwise nightmarish life, but what follows is a collection of extreme violence, death, sex, bestiality, self-surgery, torture, and unthinkable perversions that make the Marquis de Sade seem like chicken little in Romper Room.
To make matters worse Steven is also forced to deal with a talking, plotting Guernsey. The cow, part of a herd that has escaped the slaughter house and now lives in tunnels under the city streets, along with a herd of other cows, wants to convince Steven to help them stop Cripps by killing him.
What had happened after all? Let's purchase this book to discover.