Flopsy, Mopsy, and Bavlnený-chvost
Flopsy, Mopsy a bavlnený chvost
they were good little bunnies
Boli to dobrí malí zajačiky
they went down the lane as they were told
Isli po ceste, ako im bolo povedané
because they wanted to gather blackberries
pretoze chceli zbierať černice
But Peter was a very naughty bunny
Ale Petra bol veľmi nezbedný zajačik
and he ran straight to Mr. McGregor's garden
a bezal rovno do záhrady pána McGregora
and he squeezed under the gate!
a vtesnal sa pod bránu!
First he ate some lettuces
Najprv zjedol salát
then he ate some French beans
potom zjedol nejaké francúzske fazule
and then he ate some radishes
a potom zjedol nejaké reďkovky