Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail
Flopsy, Mopsy en Katoenstert
they were good little bunnies
hulle was goeie klein hasies
they went down the lane as they were told
hulle het in die baan afgegaan soos hulle vertel is
because they wanted to gather blackberries
omdat hulle brame wou versamel
But Peter was a very naughty bunny
Maar Petrus was 'n baie stoute hasie
and he ran straight to Mr. McGregor's garden
en hy hardloop reguit na meneer McGregor se tuin
and he squeezed under the gate!
en hy druk onder die hek in!
First he ate some lettuces
Eers het hy 'n paar blaarslaai geëet
then he ate some French beans
toe eet hy 'n paar Franse bone
and then he ate some radishes
en toe eet hy 'n paar radyse