About the Book
ITHE POLKA DOT LADY Little Mrs. Ladybug was a worker. Nobody could deny that. To be sure, she had to stop now and then to talk to her neighbors, because Mrs. Ladybug dearly loved a bit of gossip. At the same time there wasnt anyone in Pleasant Valley that helped Farmer Green more than she did. She tried her hardest to keep the trees in the orchard free from insects. Some of her less worthy neighbors were known sometimes to say with a sniff, If Mrs. Ladybug didnt enjoy her work she wouldnt care about helping Farmer Green. If she hadnt such a big appetite shed stop to chat even more than she does now. That might seem an odd remarkȔunless one happened to know how Mrs. Ladybug freed the orchard of the tiny pests that attacked it. The truth of the matter was this: Mrs. Ladybug ate the little insects that fed upon the fruit trees. Her constant toil meant that she devoured huge numbers of Farmer Greens enemies. Goodness knows what Farmer Green would have done had Mrs. Ladybug and all her family lost their taste for that kind of fare. The orchard might have been a sorry sight. Perhaps it was only to be expected that Mrs. Ladybug should have little patience with folk that seemed lazy. She thought that Freddie Firefly wasted too much of his time dancing in the meadow at night. She considered Buster Bumblebee, the Queens son, to be a useless idler, dressed in his black velvet and gold. Having heard that Daddy Longlegs was a harvestman, she urged him to go to work for Farmer Green at harvest time. And as for the beautiful Betsy Butterfly, Mrs. Ladybug found all manner of fault with her. Nothing made Mrs. Ladybug angrier than to see Betsy Butterfly flitting from flower to flower in the sunshine, followed by her admirers. What can they see in that gaudy creature? Mrs. Ladybug often asked her friends. It will appear, from this, that Mrs. Ladybug was not always as pleasant as she might have been. Moreover, she was something of a busybody and too fond of prying into the affairs of others. And if she didnt happen to approve of he neighbors, or their ways, Mrs. Ladybug never hesitated to speak her mind. When she first appeared on Farmer Greens place, wearing her bright red gown with its black spots, everyone supposed that Mrs. Ladybug was dressed in her working clothes. And indeed she was! Nor did she ever don any other. Ive no time to fritter away, she declared when somebody asked her what she was going to wear to Betsy Butterflys party. If I go to the party Ill just drop in for a few minutes as I am, in my polka dot. Her neighbors thought that very strange. They even whispered to one another that they didnt believe Mrs. Ladybug had anything else to wear. Nor had she. Nor did she want any. And it wasnt long before everybody understood Mrs. Ladybugs ways. She was so earnest that they couldnt help liking her, no matter if her remarks were a bit tart now and then. IIBUSTERS RESOLVE Not only was Betsy Butterfly a beautiful creature. She was pleasant to everybody. And almost all her neighbors were just as pleasant to her. Mrs. Ladybug was one of the few that were sometimes disagreeable to Betsy. For Mrs. Ladybug did not approve of her. She thought that Betsy Butterfly was frivolous. And she frowned whenever she saw Betsy in her beautiful costume. She never wears working clothes, Mrs. Ladybug often complained, when talking to her friends. Now, if Betsy Butterfly would only wear something plain and serviceable, as I do, once in a while, people might have a different opinion of her.... About the Author
Arthur Scott Bailey (November 15, 1877 – October 17, 1949) was an American writer. He was the author of more than forty childrens books. He was born in St. Albans, Vermont, United States, the second child of Winfield Scott Bailey and Harriet Sarah Goodhue Bailey attended St. Albans Academy and graduated in 1896, in a class of only eleven other students. He then went on to the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, where he became involved in a fraternal organization, Sigma Phi. He left UVM in 1901 and transferred to Harvard, where he earned his bachelors degree. After graduating Harvard in 1902, Bailey traveled to Chicago and put his knowledge of growing up in his fathers store to good use, becoming a wholesale grocery merchant. This lasted until 1904, when Bailey travelled to New York City and became an editor for various publishers. Which publishers these were is unknown, with the exception of the Macaulay Company, where he was working in early 1915. His work also includes the comic strip Animal Whys, which was syndicated in 1937. Bailey was known for being an intellectual, and was a member of the Salamagundi Club of New York. In terms of religion, Bailey was a Unitarian and politically, he was a Republican of the old school. Bailey died on October 17, 1949, at 71 years of age. Allen W. Goodspeed grew up to become the Professor Emeritus of Forest Management at West Virginia University; and has a scholarship named in his honor. He died on September 30, 1991, and had 10 grandchildren. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
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Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9781548154059
- Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- Binding: Paperback
- Language: English
- Returnable: N
- Width: 60 mm
- ISBN-10: 1548154059
- Publisher Date: 22 Jun 2017
- Height: 0 mm
- No of Pages: 90
- Weight: 189.878 gr

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