About the Book
Human beings employ concepts not merely to re-constitute their worlds, realities, including their selves, minds, consciousness, lives and loves but to fabricate and constitute these things. As well as their perceptions, thinking, feelings, emotions andreactions to, interpretations of, developing, maintaining and transforming these things.In this way ideas and concepts enable the creation of realities, inner and external worlds and lives. But this constitution is not absolutely unlimited or free, but restricted, determined, following norms, rules, -isms, patterns, customs, traditions, social, cultural, historical, intersubjective and many other rules, limits, aims, objectives, purposes, goals, etc.Concepts, conceptual practices, usage and meanings are loaded and associated with pre-determined -isms, pre-suppositions, assumptions, attitudes, beliefs, restrictions, perspectives, frames of reference, and other phenomena that will determine how they are used, their effects, results, consequences, etc.Concepts are intersubjectively generated and controlled in anthropo- and earthe-centered ways. I explore this, then deal with the wider context of the universe in which this planet, human species, its nature and existence are a minute, passing irrelevance. Certain phenomena, such as economics, nations, values, attitudes, ideas and ideologies, religions, scientific insights, technological and other innovations and creations can modify the human existence and features of this planet. However what occur on this planet, even its complete destruction, has a minimal effect on and consequences for the rest of this galaxay and the universe.I explore the possible function, nature, meaning, aims and objectives of philosophizing in this universal context and frame of reference.