Have your dreams been shattered? Do you feel hopeless in thinking the desires of your heart will never be realized? Good News! There is hope.
Pamela shares with her readers, through honesty, transparency, and vulnerability, that her story is not void of hardship and trials, but beautifully built upon them. She demonstrates that the most challenging places she has traveled in life has influenced her to lean into Jesus and learn life's most valuable lessons. Pamela is excited to share with you the pure joy of receiving, in abundance, God's best.
This inspiring book will guide you to fervently seek God and His best for your life.
You will learn how to:
Stop surrendering to fear and sprint forward with confidence to realize your dreams.
Recognize and treasure the lessons learned in the trenches of trials.
Release your stubborn grip on those things keeping you from God's best, so you can open your arms wide to receive the surprising blessings that will bring you more happiness and fulfillment than you ever imagined.
Stop living in fear, confusion, and hopelessness, and start today living saturated in God's blessings.
Pamela North is a first-time author with a huge heart for God. She is a wife to her husband, John and mom to her crazy tribe of three precious blessings: Alexander, Zechariah, and Josiah.
A bible scholar wannabe who seeks to glorify God daily, Pamela shakes her head in wonder that God chose her to be the forever mom to three boys who were once labeled orphans. She writes and speaks to share her passion and hope with others, inspiring them to say yes to being blessed beyond measure by God.
Pamela's vocational resume includes working in the healthcare field for over thirty years and being the current practice manager for a surgical eye care team. Family time consists of cheering for her boys on the sidelines of a soccer field or bowling lane, sous chef to hubby John (an amazing cook), and walking the beautiful beaches of Wilmington, North Carolina, where the family enjoys life with two dogs, a cat, and a bearded dragon.