In a world dominated by wealth, the message conveyed to our kids is one:
Work hard, make the most of their skills and become accomplished professionals with an affluent life.
Financial independence seems to make the first & foremost priority for most modern humans, who work harder than ever in order to make their dream for a wealthy life come true.
And many of us DO succeed! But is wealth the key to happiness? And if so, why do so many well-off, acknowledged professionals feel unsatisfied, miserable, and unhappy?
Teach Your Kids The True Values In Life & Help Them Be Happy!
Written in an easy-to-follow, captivating language, this eye-opening children's story will redefine the way your kids think; shifting their focus from wealth accomplishment to genuine human relations.
Author Dr. Rispba McCray-Garrison, experienced Primary Care Physician, former Family Practice General Medical Officer of the U.S. Air Force, President of the Ethnic College Counseling Center (ECCC) Board of Directors and talented author of kids' books, gives children a whole new perspective on life.
Kids will easily identify with the book hero Sylvander, a rich and successful fox who, despite having all wealth in the world, is not happy.
An unpredictable twist of the plot gets Sylvander in confrontation with a homeless fox that later eventually places Sylvander in an unexpected ruthless chase in Sharewood Forest. Soon after he finds himself in front of a frail little rabbit begging him to spare his life.
Help Your Kid Invest In Real Friendships!
What looks like a dream turns out to be a life-changing experience for Sylvander, who, after sparing the lucky rabbit his life, discovers he has earned himself a loyal friend.
Friendship, forgiveness, self-commitment and helping others, prove to be the keys to Sylvander's personal happiness in this enthralling story that entertains and educates kids, teaching them a vital secret:
The way to happiness goes through unconditional love, kindness and strong friendships! These are the features that make life worth living!