Thousands of years ago a being of immense intelligence and power came to this planet with the remnants of his race frozen in suspended animation.
The being and his people were forced to flee their own planet to escape the clutches of their adversaries who had destroyed their home world.
Through a desperate measure to survive, this being unique among his own people, combined his own DNA and that of a primitive reptilian race of another planet and became something immortal!
For centuries, the being has tried unsuccessfully to transform his own people into creatures like himself. Each time it has failed and finally realized that it needed something special in order to make the transformation complete. That something was none other than human beings themselves!
Genetic scientist Roger Turcotte while vacationing in the Canadian Rockies stumbles upon the being and is stunned beyond belief and expects to die. The being instead enlists the help of the unsuspecting scientist to help complete his work.
After months of toil, Roger Turcotte uncovers what the being is really up to and tries to stop it, but how to stop an immortal?
A mystic sword called the Sword of Souls may be the only weapon on the planet that can prevent the being from completing his incredible experiment. The legend states, the sword belonged to the ancient Israelite King David.
Billy Turcotte, Roger's son is given the task of uncovering the sword and is assisted by an elite Canadian Special Forces unit, plus the famed U.S. Navy Seals.
Suddenly, the world is plunged into a war with a being that is thousands of years old and may have actually been on the planet before humans came into existence. Two races will battle for the planet, with both laying claim to it. Who is right?
Surprise attacks from both sides escalate all over the globe as a desperate Billy Turcotte searches for something which may exist, but only within a hidden age old chest, the Ark of the Covenant!
While the people of the earth battle for their very survival with a being that may not be able to be stopped, a new threat materializes in deep space that does not care about any race war on earth.
Humanity's first contact with an alien species is going horribly wrong and time is running out!