If you are going to take charge of your own financial future then this decision alone puts you ahead of 95% of the American public. Now the only question is, what is your next step? Swing trading can be the one!
Do you want to start earning money without spending hours and days sitting in front of a computer?
Do you want to understand how to analyze graphs easily and precisely?
Do you want to learn when to sell and when to buy?
The book provides examples so that you can see the train of thought of the author himself when he concluded successful deals. Also included here is a problem book on various topics of the exchange game, it will help test your knowledge and decide whether you are ready to risk your money in practice. It is possible to return to the manual, re-read it, in order to clarify some points and refresh knowledge, it can become a reference book for a novice trader.
In addition to discipline, tolerance for risk and the ability to count, success in the stock game is on three pillars: it is psychology, method, and finance. Psychology is the development of psychological rules that will help you keep cool among market noise. The method is a system of price analysis and decision making algorithm. Finance is prudent money management, in which in any particular transaction it is permissible to risk only a small part of your money. Your account should be built as a ship, the hull of which consists of many compartments-even if several are flooded, the ship will remain afloat. Psychology, game tactics, money management can all be learned.
The technology revolution makes no difference to trading, except in terms of the cost and convenience of market access. Although the information is available much more quickly, the ratio remains at about 80% losers and 20% gains.
The important innovations are the costs of the order execution and the possibilities of the order task.
In this book:
- How to stay in that 20% gains
- How much it cost and how long it takes to become a competent trader!
- What are the rules to follow, what are the methods to use, and how should the capital be distributed!
- What should be studied first! Second! Third!
- Which markets to play, what profit to expect
- How to manage price in bull and bear market
- How to read and use profitable graphics
If you are interested in these questions, this book is for you.
You've waited long enough. The time to start investing is now! But before you do, read this book so that you learn the secrets the pros use before you put one dollar into the markets!
Time is money!
Buy now Options Trading to start achieving your financial freedom.