Janusz Dals-Pawlicki has survived several cancers, and he consciously searched for alternative and natural methods to prevent from reoccurring it again.
His book Surviving and Preventing Cancer represents a very complex approach to alternative ways of treating and preventing cancer and other diseases.
The book is loaded with practical and helpful information and recommendations. It is the most complex guide for cancer sufferers as well as for all those conscious of existing danger--it shows universal direction to well-being.
He stresses the importance of prevention as the best cure for all illnesses.
His book has been inspired and is based on his own experience and knowledge acquired throughout the years of his struggle with illness.
It also promotes spirituality in the practical context as an important tool in the fight against the disease.
All that in order to facilitate the transition to healthy lifestyle in the easiest, fastest, and the most transparent way possible and achieving the ultimate goal--good health.
He talks about his life prior to the illness, about first diagnosis and conventional treatment he then received and its detrimental effects, which eventually helped him in the decision-making process and led to the future choices.
Then he elaborates about his lifesaving alternative therapies, which included meditation, positive thinking, and a healthy diet.
He also focuses on many other important factors affecting our lifestyle that we often tend to overlook or ignore.
In promoting the above, he attempts to make his book as informative as possible, avoiding making it too scientific.
He strongly acknowledges the importance of guidance he has received throughout his journey; he acknowledges his teachers, and he often refers to their wisdom.
His unique voice is particularly valuable as it comes from the first-hand survivor.
He would like his book to inspire all readers to enquire, to seek improvement in their lifestyle, and to be well.