Supporting the Success of Adult and Online Students, the fifth book in the Proven Practices in Higher Education series by City University of Seattle, presents twenty-seven chapters on supporting and retaining adult students. Each chapter, written by different authors and teams of authors, presents another perspective on how to motivate and encourage adult learners.
The first third of the book focuses on how to teach adult students. They include information on the importance of creating a social support network, establishing a solid instructor presence in online classrooms, and matching students with dedicated mentors. Educators will learn how to identify the "dark triad" of disruptive personalities in a classroom setting.
The second third of the book includes innovative ways of motivating adult learners. These include using new forms of media to engage students and creating professional learning communities to provide them support.
The last third of the book presents strategies for advising students, especially those that may be returning from a long break in their education. Chapters include information about retaining doctoral students and helping returning undergraduates.
These strategies and others will be immensely helpful to educators looking for a new angle in reaching and engaging with their students.
About the Author: Supporting the Success of Adult and Online Students was written by a team of authors from City University of Seattle. It has four editors.
Kelly A. Flores serves City University of Seattle as the Dean of the School of Applied Leadership.
Kurt D. Kirstein is the Provost of City University of Seattle.
Craig E. Schieber works as the Dean of the Albright School of Education and the Division of Arts and Sciences at City University of Seattle.
Steven G. Olswang is the former Provost at City University of Seattle.
They encourage educators to read the first four books in the Proven Practices in Higher Education series.