About the Book
The Support Activities for Printing World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in up to 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the 62 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Support activities for printing) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for 62 Products/Services covered, including: SUPPORT ACTIVITIES FOR PRINTING 1. Support activities for printing 2. Tradebinding & related work 3. Edition, library & other hardcover bookbinding 4. Hardbound edition binding 5. Hardbound edition binding of elementary, high school & college textbooks & technical, scientific, business & professional books (all grades) 6. Hardbound edition binding of general consumer & trade books (incl adult & juvenile trade books, book club & direct mail books) 7. Hardbound edition binding of all other books, nec, incl Ethnic & reference books 8. Library binding, hard cover binding of periodicals & records & other hard cover binding (exc. edition) 9. Edition, library & other hardcover bookbinding, nsk 10. Other book & pamphlet binding & related binding & post-press work, nec 11. Soft cover adhesive binding of books (49 pages or more, exclusive of the covers) 12. Soft cover mechanical binding of books (49 pages or more, exclusive of the covers) 13. Pamphlet & other soft cover binding 14. Pamphlet & other soft cover adhesive binding 15. Pamphlet & other soft cover mechanical binding 16. Sample books, swatches & cards (color, carpet, upholstery, drapery, etc.) 17. Receipts for miscellaneous binding & postpress work, incl collating, perforating, folding, glueing, die-cutting, gold or foil stamping, etc. 18. Other book & pamphlet binding & related binding & post-press work, nsk 19. Softcover/other binding of books/mats. printed elsewhere 20. Softcover binding (49 pages or more, no covers), adhesive binding 21. Softcover binding (49 pages or more, no covers), mechanical binding 22. Pamphlet and other softcover binding (printed elsewhere) 23. Pamphlet and other softcover binding, adhesive binding 24. Pamphlet and other softcover binding, mechanical binding 25. Sample books/swatches/cards, incl. sample mounting 26. Softcover/other binding of books/mats. printed elsewhere, nsk 27. Miscellaneous binding and postpress work, incl. collating, etc. 28. Tradebinding & related work, nsk, total 29. Tradebinding & related work, nsk, nonadministrative-record 30. Tradebinding & related work, nsk, administrative-record 31. Prepress services 32. Prepress services, exc. platemaking (incl film, assembled flats, color separations, typesetting, imagesetting, etc.) 33. Printing plates, prepared for printing, excl blank plates 34. Lithographic plates, prepared for printing, excl blank plates 35. Flexography / Relief plates, prepared for printing, excl blank plates 36. Flexographic plates, natural & synthetic rubber, prepared for printing, excl blank plates 37. Flexographic plates, photopolymer, prepared for printing, excl blank plates 38. Gravure plates, prepared for printing, excl blank plates 39. Other printing plates prepared for printing, nec, excl blank plates 40. All other printing plates prepared for printing 41. Printing plates, prepared for printing, excl blank plates, nsk 42. Prepress services, nsk, total 43. Prepress services, nsk, nonadministrative-record /.. etc.