About the Book
- This is the only CV book - still - to say anything new
- Since the first edition the concept of the elevator pitch CV has been widely taken up and the book is now endorsed and bought by over 40 business schools and universities across the world
- This makes it the most widely endorsed CV book in the world
- Author is now a full-time guest lecturer on elevator pitching at business schools and universities - the book gets constant year-round promotion
- This new edition has a punchier more explanatory subtitle and brighter jacket
- The new edition also has much more added value in tips, tricks and examples of how to sell yourself to best effect
About the Authors
Bill Faust has 14 years’ experience in delivering high-level integrated, marketing campaigns, for a range of blue chip companies including GE Capital, Campbell’s, News Ltd, Bayard Presse and BT. This has taken Bill across the world from London, Paris, Istanbul to Sydney. And back.
Michael Faust has had a top flight management, advertising and marketing career. Most recently Michael was the Managing Director of Travelcare, the UK’s largest independent travel agency . Prior to this he has held influential positions as the European Marketing Director of LetsBuyIt.com as well as a number of strategic consultancy roles across the European dotcom market. Over the last fifteen years Michael has worked in both advertising agencies and client companies from Saatchi and Saatchi to Dell.Features
- Starting a business is not an easy process, there are many emotional issues that will arise. This book illuminates the 10 major emotional challenges that anyone starting a business has to experience, through the eyes of a proven entrepreneur who has experienced both success and failure.
- It is enriched with real anecdotes from entrepreneurs on how to prepare for each of those challenges.
- Compelling: Contains the ten things no entrepreneur can do without.
- Details the emotional journey of the author: Written whilst the author is going through the emotional turmoil of setting a business up. The style and content will really exaggerate this emotional journey.
- Benchmark: The New Business Road Test (9780273708056) has sold 3,212 copies since publication in June 2006.
- The Business Start Up market was worth almost £1.5 million in 2009, representing 4.7% of the total business market Pearson Education is the second biggest publisher in this market, with over 16% market share.
- Financial Times Briefings are designed to give busy decision-makers short, results-focused advice to pressing issues that require hard measurable results.
- There’s a gap in the market: Nothing else out there which condenses high level information targeted at senior managers.
- Strong Branding: The FT connection gives authority to the series. It is a brand that business people trust.
- Clear Structure: Each book follows a logical modular structure, with a clear focus on what senior managers need to know, ask, measure and do to make things happen.
- Expert collaboration: There is a panel of series advisors who are business experts from a range of subject fields and backgrounds.
- FT Briefing: Sustainable Business gives executives the low-down on all the key issues in the critical area of sustainable business, helping businesses improve their strategy for sustainability so they can also provide real business benefit to their organisation.
- Market: Pearson Education is the management market leader with over 24% market share. Management is the biggest market in the business sector and was worth £6 million in 2009.
- Broad appeal -this book is for everyone who is feeling challenged or confused with their current personal or professional situation and who wants some direction and clarity on how to feel happier and more fulfilled.
- The tactics are result-oriented and the book includes many real life examples.
- Market:The Popular Psychology and Personal Development market was worth over £12.5million in 2009, Pearson Education is the second biggest publisher in this market, with almost 12%market share.
- Referrals and recommendations are the most effective driver of new business. In today’s economy, generating referrals through networking is proving to be the most effective and least expensive way of producing new business.
- Recommended will show readers how to implement a simple yet effective strategy they can rely on to source the leads they need to keep their business flourishing.
- Andy Lopata, shows readers how to capitalise on all the potential opportunities held within their own networks, by showing them.
- How to generate more of the leads that produce better quality business, leads that convert more easily and more quickly into real sales
- Detailed guidance on how to use LinkedIn to generate referrals
- Practical, takeaway information which can be implemented easily in any business that needs to generate new sales
- Written by a well-known name, Andy Lopata has been christened ‘Mr Network’ by The Sun and listed as one of Europe’s leading business networking strategists by the Financial Times in 2009.
- A complete revision of the best-selling first edition--widely considered a premier text on TCP/IP routing protocols
- A core textbook for CCIE preparation and a practical reference for network designers, administrators, and engineers
- Includes configuration and troubleshooting lessons that would cost thousands to learn in a classroom and numerous real-world examples and case studies
About the Authors
Jeff Doyle, CCIE No. 1919, is a professional services engineer and IPv6 solutions manager. Specializing in IP routing protocols, MPLS, and IPv6, Jeff has designed or assisted in the design of large-scale carrier and services provider networks in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Jennifer Carroll, CCIE No. 1402, is an indepedent network consultant in Redmond, WA. She has designed and implemented many TCP/IP networks and has developed and taught a variety of courses on routing protocols and Cisco routers.Features
- Shows Unix users how to automate tasks and develop powerful shell scripts.
- Offers complete instructions for the standard Bourne shell, plus the Bash and Korn shells.
- Revised to reflect the IEEE Standard 1003.1-2001, the POSIX standard, and the Linux Bash shell implementation.
- Includes additional information requested by readers and instructors over the years.
- Realistic guidance on building “fit for application” cryptographic systems—Shows students why conventional cryptographic implementations are often inadequate, and how to build systems that are far more secure.
- Sophisticated formal methods—Introduces advanced formal methods for demonstrating the security of cryptographic systems and protocols.
- Assessments of key cryptographic standards—Compares and evaluates contemporary encryption protocols and standards, including IPSec, IKE, SSH, SSL, TLS, and Kerberos.
- Essential mathematics for advanced cryptography—Presents all the math students will need, including probability and information theory, computational complexity, and algebraic foundations.
- Extensive practical examples—Presents realistic implementation examples for a wide range of cryptographic systems.
- By one of the fields leading experts—By Wenbo Mao, leader of Hewlett-Packards contributions to the European Unions Secure Electronic Commerce Transactions (CASENET), a research project.
- Reflects the latest developments in the C++ANSI standard including substantial detail on the new STL libraries.
- Explains how an object-oriented programming concept is supported by a language feature.
- Teaches by example, introducing you to full working programs right from the start.
- Incorporates interactive, proven exercises to help check your understanding of key OO concepts and put them into practice.
About the Authors
Ira Pohl is a professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has two decades of experience as a software methodologist and is an international authority on C++ and C programming. He has consulted with Digital Equipment Corporation, Apple, Stanford Linear Acclerator Center and various other companies.Features
- Provides a basic foundation for the course.
- Text has been completely revised.
- Includes full range of exercises of varying difficulty.
- Incorporates new material on algorithms, tree-searches, and graph-theoretical puzzles.
- Full solutions are provided for many of the exercises.
- Includes a chapter on matroid theory, which is used to consolidate some of the material from earlier chapters.
- Uses a single popular microprocessor — the 8085A — as the primary instructional example.
- Provides numerous examples of hardware interfaces — and the software to drive them.
- Emphasizes the hardware/software tradeoffs which exist for implementation of most functions in microprocessor-based systems.
- Newly written and updated chapter on sampling and reconstruction of signals
- New addition on the discrete cosine transform
- Updated chapter on multirate digital signal processing.
- Four-part organization—Part I presents materials and their applications; Part II presents specific manufacturing processes; Part III emphasizes tolerances, measurement, and calibration; and Part IV discusses the design, tooling, and production aspects of manufacturing.
- Case studies and case problems—Included where appropriate.
- Technical, non-analytical approach.
- Clear and straightforward writing style.
- Emphasis on processes rather than hardware.
About the Authors
Donald A. Waterman is a senior computer scientist at the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University, M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University.Features
- Powerhouse author team with contributions from Doug Lea, Josh Bloch and David Holmes
- A practical, hands-on, example-driven guide for every working Java programmer
- Based on J2SE 5.0 which includes many new concurrency features that make concurrency development much more accesible (and necessary)
About the Authors
Brian Goetz is a software consultant with twenty years industry experience, with over 75 articles on Java development. He is one of the primary members of the Java Community Process JSR 166 Expert Group (Concurrency Utilities), and has served on numerous other JCP Expert Groups.
Tim Peierls is the very model of a modern multiprocessor, with BoxPop.biz, recording arts, and goings on theatrical. He is one of the primary members of the Java Community Process JSR 166 Expert Group (Concurrency Utilities), and has served on numerous other JCP Expert Groups.
Joshua Bloch is a principal engineer at Google and a Jolt Award-winner. He was previously a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems and a senior systems designer at Transarc. Josh led the design and implementation of numerous Java platform features, including JDK 5.0 language enhancements and the award-winning Java Collections Framework. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Joseph Bowbeer is a software architect at Vizrea Corporation where he specializes in mobile application development for the Java ME platform, but his fascination with concurrent programming began in his days at Apollo Computer. He served on the JCP Expert Group for JSR-166 (Concurrency Utilities).
David Holmes is director of DLTeCH Pty Ltd, located in Brisbane, Australia. He specializes in synchronization and concurrency and was a member of the JSR-166 expert group that developed the new concurrency utilities. He is also a contributor to the update of the Real-Time Specification for Java, and has spent the past few years working on an implementation of that specification.
Doug Lea is one of the foremost experts on object-oriented technology and software reuse. He has been doing collaborative research with Sun Labs for more than five years. Lea is Professor of Computer Science at SUNY Oswego, Co-director of the Software Engineering Lab at the New York Center for Advanced Technology in Computer Applications, and Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Syracuse University. In addition, he co-authored the book, Object-Oriented System Development (Addison-Wesley, 1993). He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire.Features
- Covers signal reflection, crosstalk, and noise problems that occur in high-speed digtal machines (above 10 megahertz).
- lncludes checklists that ask the questions an experienced designer would about a new system.
- Offers useful formulas for inductance, capacitance, resistance, rise time, and Q.
- Explains the trade-offs between signal cross talk, mechanical fabrication of tolerances, and trace routing density.
- Presents a methodology for determining how many layrs will be required to route a printed circuit board.
- Scott Meyers is one of the world's foremost experts on C++ software development
- More than 30% new material and complete updates of tried-and-true material to bring it up to 2005 standards
- There is no better way to bring C++ programmers up-to-date on cutting edge practices than this book. It's a classic--the #1 book of its kind
- Rewritten material on satellites—Includes their history; orbits; elevation categories; orbital patterns; and antenna look angles.
- Materials in the Fundamentals chapters on AM envelopes—Produced by complex nonsinusoidal signals, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, noise limiters and blankers, alternate signal-to-noise measurements, single-sideband suppressed carrier, frequency division multiplexing, double-sideband suppressed carrier, quadrature multiplexing, microstrip, and stripline.
- Material in the Advanced chapters—On trellis encoding, CCITT modem recommendations, PCM line speed, extended superframe format, wavelength division multiplexing, Kepler's laws, Clark orbits, limits of visibility, Satellite Radio Navigation and Navstar GPS.
- Optical fiber communications has been moved from Chapter 20 to Chapter 11—Includes new sections on light sources, optical power, optical sources and link budget.
- Essential guide to financial modeling with more accurate information to support decision making
- Gives managers the tools to build better financial models - now a core skill, this
- will improve organizational learning through improved assessment of collective knowledge
- Enables managers to create better targeting when building a financial model
- from forecasting and planning, to valuation and risk assessment, this is the definitive guide to building and manipulating financial models with confidence
- It will help executive and finance managers to turn business data into intelligent decisions
- Presents a broad introduction to fluid and turbulence physics and computational modelling techniques.
- Incorporates an advanced applications section.
- Uses easy-to-programme computer algorithms for the PC.
- Includes a substantial review of the latest turbulence modelling techniques.
- Features the predominant commercial CFD codes: PHEONICS, FLUENT, FLOW3D and STARCD.
- SI units used throughout.
Unique—presents expanded material on lattices not available in other texts.
- Assumes only a background of elementary probability concepts, transform calculus, and linear system theory.
- Over 160 examples are integrated throughout the text. And more than 380 end-of-chapter problems are provided.
- Comprehensive Coverage—Offers extensive coverage on C++ programming concepts.
- Provides students with the fundamentals of C++.
- Object-Oriented Programming—Uses the C++ language.
- Explains object-oriented programming to students through the C++ language.
- Emphasis on why these concepts exist and how to utilize them to create efficient applications.
- Teaches students the background behind the concepts and how to make them work more effectively.
- Tutorial-style.
- Gives the students a “hands-on” approach to object-oriented programming.
- Increased coverage of UML—Illustrates program structure and flow.
- Helps students comprehend important concepts.
- Illustrated concepts for students with relevant programming examples, many written in Visual C++ with embedded assembly language code.
- Coverage of how to develop software to control application interfaces to the microprocessor.
- Coverage of how to program the microprocessor using the popular Microsoft Visual C programming environment with embedded assembly language to control personal computers.
- Descriptions of how to use real mode (DOS) and protected mode (Windows) of the microprocessor.
- Explanation of the operation of a real-time operating system (RTOS) in an embedded environment.
Accessible mathematical complexity
- Ensures understanding by students who have introductory preparation in mathematical analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, and rudimentary computer programming.
Heavily illustrated.
- Ensures easy comprehension of material, especially for today's visual learners.
Chapter-end Problem sets.
- Provides students with more opportunities for hands-on practice.
About the Authors
Rafael C. Gonzalez received the B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Miami in 1965 and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1967 and 1970, respectively. He joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) in 1970, where he became Associate Professor in 1973, Professor in 1978, and Distinguished Service Professor in 1984. He served as Chairman of the department from 1994 through 1997. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at UTK.
Gonzalez is the founder of the Image & Pattern Analysis Laboratory and the Robotics & Computer Vision Laboratory at the University of Tennessee. He also founded Perceptics Corporation in 1982 and was its president until 1992. The last three years of this period were spent under a full-time employment contract with Westinghouse Corporation, who acquired the company in 1989.
Under his direction, Perceptics became highly successful in image processing, computer vision, and laser disk storage technology. In its initial ten years, Perceptics introduced a series of innovative products, including: The world's first commercially-available computer vision system for automatically reading the license plate on moving vehicles; a series of large-scale image processing and archiving systems used by the U.S. Navy at six different manufacturing sites throughout the country to inspect the rocket motors of missiles in the Trident II Submarine Program; the market leading family of imaging boards for advanced Macintosh computers; and a line of trillion-byte laser disk products.
He is a frequent consultant to industry and government in the areas of pattern recognition, image processing, and machine learning. His academic honors for work in these fields include the 1977 UTK College of Engineering Faculty Achievement Award; the 1978 UTK Chancellor's Research Scholar Award; the 1980 Magnavox Engineering Professor Award; and the 1980 M.E. Brooks Distinguished Professor Award. In 1981 he became an IBM Professor at the University of Tennessee and in 1984 he was named a Distinguished Service Professor there. He was awarded a Distinguished Alumnus Award by the University of Miami in 1985, the Phi Kappa Phi Scholar Award in 1986, and the University of Tennessee's Nathan W. Dougherty Award for Excellence in Engineering in 1992.
Honors for industrial accomplishment include the 1987 IEEE Outstanding Engineer Award for Commercial Development in Tennessee; the 1988 Albert Rose Nat'l Award for Excellence in Commercial Image Processing; the 1989 B. Otto Wheeley Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer; the 1989 Coopers and Lybrand Entrepreneur of the Year Award; the 1992 IEEE Region 3 Outstanding Engineer Award; and the 1993 Automated Imaging Association National Award for Technology Development.
Gonzalez is author or co-author of over 100 technical articles, two edited books, and four textbooks in the fields of pattern recognition, image processing and robotics. His books are used in over 500 universities and research institutions throughout the world. He is listed in the prestigious Marquis Who's Who in America, Marquis Who's Who in Engineering, Marquis Who's Who in the World, and in 10 other national and international biographical citations. He ii the co-holder of two U.S. Patents, and has been an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, and the International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences. He is a member of numerous professional and honorary societies, including Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Eta Kapp Nu, and Sigma Xi. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Richard E. Woods earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His professional experiences range from entrepreneurial to the more traditional academic, consulting; governmental, and industrial pursuits.Features
- NEW - Updated introduction—To include background about the work of fashion designers and the fashion industry.
- NEW - Apparel Company and its divisions.
- NEW - Seasonal collections discussion added.
- NEW - Sewing Tips—Included for many draping projects.
- NEW - Expanded coverage of new material—e.g. swimsuit and draping the bias slip dress sections added.
- NEW - Additional, enhanced and enlarged illustrations.
- Computers in the design process—Referenced through every relevant section of the text.
- Unique Sportswear and Casual Wear chapter—Includes working with knitted fabrics and the unstructured drop-shoulder jacket.
- Current methods—Fits the needs of today's designers.
- Up-to-date Fitting section.
- Step-by-step directions—In a workbook format.
- Network management extended to telecommunications management
- Maps the concept of eTOM with TMN
- Extensive treatment on the design of an NMS with practical perspective
- Focuses on management of wired, fixed wireless and mobile broadband access, and home networks including evolving management protocols and MIBs
- Elucidates management of Optical and MPLS networks widely deployed in the telecommunications network
- Web-, CORBA-, and XML-based technologies addressed along with NGOSS technology
- Offers a three-tier learning system–which (1) builds students’ knowledge, (2) checks for comprehension and then (3) focuses on application
- Guides readers through multiple levels of thinking to increase understanding
- Uses a variety of learning aids throughout each chapter such as comprehension checks, news flash segments, two application cases per chapter, key concept crosswords and more
- Covers contemporary issues facing supervisors such as workforce diversity, technology, globalization, and ethics
Table of Contents:
Part I: Defining Supervision and Supervisory Challenges
- Supervision Definitions
- Supervision Challenges
Part II: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Controlling, and Decision-Making
- Planning and Goal Setting
- Organizing
- Staffing and Recruiting
- Controlling
- Problem Analysis and Decision Making
Part III: Motivating, Leading, Communicating, and Developing
- 8Motivating Followers
- Leading Followers
- Communicating Effectively
- Developing Groups
Part IV: Appraisal, Safety, Negotiation, Change, and Labor Relations
- Performance Appraisal
- Workplace Health and Safety
- Conflict, Negotiation, Discipline, and Politics
- Change Management
- Supervision and Labor
Postscript: Personal Development