Two friends, their lives torn apart by tragedy, tyranny and loss, and the promise that brings them together...
Yuvi and Vinod, close friends since their college days in Delhi, find their lives drift apart and change in unexpected and unimaginable ways.
While Yuvi's lifelong passion for acting launches him, as Yuvraaj, to Bollywood superstardom, Vinod's finance and accounting skills land him his dream job in the US. But all is not what it seems...
Beneath the glitz and glamour of the Bollywood façade lies a murky, sordid reality steeped in greed for money and power, and the media's insatiable appetite for scandal.
His image tarnished by an affair with a girl half his age, and his career in tatters, Yuvraaj selflessly contrives to save the film producers from financial collapse, but in doing so, places his family at huge risk...
★ Is the price of stardom too much for Yuvraaj?
As Vinod's dream job becomes a nightmare, and he falls victim to a malicious and life-shattering scam, will he ever be able to return to the life he knew?
★ Will Yuvraaj be able to fulfil the promise he made to Vinod all those years ago?
Authors Raj Chopra and Aviral Mohan have always been passionate about movies. Together they have created a story of friendship, compassion, love, challenges and sacrifice, and portrayed the life of a movie idol known to his fans as Superstar.
The story proves ★ Stardom demands sacrifice.