A previous book titled "Super-Dipole Antennas," which was written by this author, introduced a completely new Unified Broad-Banding Method. This method primarily consists of the use of a 1/2 wavelength Dipole, which is fed with a 1/4 (or shorter) wavelength resonant line. The amount of coupling between these two components is greatly reduced and controlled to produce a wide SWR bandwidth. This Broad-Banding method is referred to as "Critically-Coupled Broad-Banding."
This new book, titled "Super Max-Dipole Antennas" is a continuation or addition to the previous book and primarily presents Inverted V and Horizontal antennas in the 75-80 and 160m bands, which are some of the widest HF bands.
Early chapters reintroduce the "Unified Broad-Banding Method," presenting Inverted V antennas, with each of the possible "S" Broad-Banding configurations presented at various antenna heights, with a few newer configurations being presented.
A totally different Broad-Banding method, which uses "Dual Inverted V" antennas, which can produce very low SWR bandwidths at all antenna heights, is then presented. Some of these were previously presented but these are new or improved versions.
The latter chapters present some completely new Broad-Banding configurations utilizing "Dual Inverted V" radiators, which in itself creates Broad-Banding but by adding one of several "Critical- Coupling" configurations, "Double Broad-Banding" can be achieved. This arrangement can produce SWR bandwidths at or below an SWR of 1.5/1 across the entire bandwidth at any and all antenna heights. This appears to be a notable achievement, not occurring often.
These new and unique configurations introduced will completely change the perception of how antennas are matched and Broad-Banded. Many of the configurations are very simple and easy to understand. Most have been reduced in complexity, cost of materials and can readily be assembled and these are referred to as "Super-Dipole Antennas."
Throughout this book configurations presented include charts showing how the Far-field RF gains and coaxial losses vary across each of the bandwidths, giving a good perception of the efficiency on each band. All of the antennas throughout this book have been configured with an efficiency in mind and those antennas that have higher losses are scrutinized rigorously and the true performance specifications are shown, whether they are good or bad.