Imagine the Power You Could Have... In Business, Life & Work...
You know what I'm talking about...
We all crave for power.
Even if we don't, we all know that we do.
We want to be in some sort of control, even though most refuse to admit it.
We treat power as if it's a bad thing, when Power is truly what we're all seeking.
If you want to have more control in your business, life & work, then read on...
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene was originally published in 1998. Since then, it has sold millions of copies. What if you were told that today's power elite shared similar traits with powerful figures throughout history?
That's the truth.
Here's what you'll discover...
--- Law #1: Why You Should Never Outshine Your Master
--- Law #3: Why Hide Your True Plans?
--- Law #6: Why Any Publicity is Good Publicity
--- Law #13: Why Never Beg for Mercy
--- Law #19: Why Choose Your Opponent Carefully
--- Law #27: Why Become A Cult Leader
--- Law #40: Why You Should Never Be Fooled by Gifts
--- And so much more.
While some consider the book 'The 48 Laws of Power' 'dark', we say it's truth. In life, we can all either choose to embrace reality and deal with it or run away from it. What's your choice?