This book will emphatically argue that human beings and chimpanzees have never shared a common ancestor, nor did humans undergo evolution or microevolution. Moreover, this book will discuss the serious mistakes and misleading guidance the book published by NAS, "Science, Evolution, and Creationism" makes.
Their argument human beings and chimpanzees share the common ancestor is wrong without any scientific basis.
They also claim that the Theory of Evolution is "the cornerstone of modern sciences". However, the facts shown by DNA codes proved Theory of Evolution is wrong. Based on a wrong viewpoint as cornerstone, NAS suppresses and impedes the development of science. NAS members are leaders in American sciences. Therefore they have to bear the necessary responsibility.
Modern science has determined that hereditary information of all living species is totally defined by its own DNA coding sequences. Unique DNA codes define a unique species. The overall DNA coding sequences keep high fidelity during the genetic breeding of various species, thereby helping scientists find sources of any species. Since biological features of all species depend on their own DNA codes, DNA codes must be the only correct direction and method for understanding the origin of species.
Who are we? Where are we from? These questions have troubled people for centuries.
The textbooks have long taught us that human beings are evolved from anthropoid apes.
Today, a new science, Molecular Anthropology, tells us this: nearly 7 billion human beings in the world share a common grand, grand... father, the Y-chromosome Adam, also share a common grand, grand... mother, the Mitochondrial Eve.
Human beings could not be the result of Evolution, sudden mutation or in any way related to the anthropoid apes.
Usually in matters related to science one should not have to recourse to law. However, there is no other better approach to refute the pseudoscience, the Theory of Evolution.
For over one hundred years, especially in recent decade, a ruling group of scientists safeguarding the Theory of Evolution has emerged in the U.S.
The Theory of Adam and the Theory of Eve, the achievements of tracing human ancestor by modern human DNA coding sequences, are blocked by evolutionists.
It is because with the current biological scientific environment in America, no one dares to reveal any mistake in the Theory of Evolution through normal academic channel. Fortunately, that we are living in a democratic country like the United States in which one can sue the despotic group of scientists in court.