This is a long-overdue book.
Parents today are faced with new dilemmas which are far reaching in their impact upon children now. Success Motivation for Kids is a relevant book for everyone, but it especially speaks to parents raising kids looking for answers that work.
Author Kenneth Teel brings fresh perspective and real-life examples of how things can be different at home. Some of the riveting chapter titles include:
- Where Does Motivation Come From?
- Self-Esteem: Psychobabble or Gospel?
- How Does "Authority" Interface with Success?
- Confronting Pride, a Critical Component of Motivation
- Where Does Discipline Fit into Success Motivation?
In today's universe of strong negative influences on kids in school, on the Internet, and from friends, parents are asking themselves, "How do I keep my children from being overwhelmed and confused?" "How do I successfully convey to them a correct worldview?" "How do I keep them from failing morally?" "How do I not lose them to a morass of societal contradictions?" This book touches on the very core issues kids are facing today. These issues must be brought out into the light and discovered if kids are ever going to make it to healthy maturity. This book offers hope for what may seem to be the insurmountable, extreme power of bad ideas coming against kids today.
Ken's flowing style and easy reading, combined with decades of experience, makes this book a must-read for anyone looking for answers to perplexing questions relating to their own worldview, their purpose for living, and their search for significance. It provides parents with the steps for raising a successful kid! Ken is a dad and grandpa with compassion who intuitively knows how to solve growing-up issues with sensibility and humor.