The children are the greatest gift of God to man, our most precious and very
important asset. They are apostles of peace and they are very much human
beings with enormous potential to grow and develop into adult in future. They
are not a commodity and hence cannot and must not be subjected to family
Children are the foundations of human society. The shape of future human
society shall be determined by their mental and physical well-being. Just as the
personality of an adult is built in his or her primitive years, the development of a
nation is determined by the priority given to the child. The children are the
supreme assets of the nation, hence in National Policy; child's care should
occupy the most prominent place. Specific care needs to be taken that children
grow up to become agile citizens, physically fit, mentally sound and alert and
socially and morally healthy.
In order to create a healthy society, to promote social progress and better
standard of living, grooming children in the best possible coordinal family
environment, an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding is
mandatory for the development of his or her personality. The child should grow
in such an atmosphere that he is fully prepared to live as an individual,
independent life with the prescribed ideal norms of ideal human society. But
unfortunately, in spite of there being a number of resolution and laws both at
National and Global level, the condition of children is far from satisfactory,
History is the witness that this innocent and helpless creature has been subjected
to variety of exploitations, in spite of the fact that human society is claimed to be