Sport scientists strive to optimize sports performance to achieve the
goal, they must consider motor learning. The motor learning is a
prerequisite of learning sports techniques for their continuous refinement
and modification during the long term planning as well as short term
process. The motor learning mainly has two types one is sports type
another is stunt type. In this study we have taken only sports type of
motor learning. Here motor learning refers to "Ease with which an
individual learns new motor skill".
The purpose of this study was to investigate the response of certain
asanas and exercises programme on selected motor-learning tests.
For this study 400 male students of Brilliant Public School Aligarh
were selected randomly. The age of the subjects was 12 to 14 years.
The purpose of study was clearly explained to the subjects. The subjects
were randomly assigned in to four groups. The experimental group 'A'
was asanas group, 'B' exercises group, 'C' combined group of exercises
and yogic asanas and 'D' control group. Each group consisted of 100
The experiment was conducted for a period of twelve weeks in
5 days per week. The experimental group 'A' did 10 yogic asanas
program included shirshasansa, sarvangasana, matsyasana, halasana,
bhujangasana, salabhasana, dhanurasana, arth-matsyendrasana,
pashchimottanasana, chakrasana. The experimental group 'B' did
exercise program consists of spinal rock, back over, side stretches,
alternative prove lift, one leg jumping, line walking after front roll,
5-meters dash, raising the hands with folded hands, walking on hands
with partners, stride stretches. The experimental group C did exercise and
asanas programme combined. The experimental groups practice 5 days in
week at 7.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. in Brilliant Public School Aligarh.