E-books the digital version of its print counterpart has been in the
educational segment for decades. E-books offer numerous advantages such as
accessibility, searchability, portability, cheap, ability to highlight, take notes,
share, to zoom and read and much more. In spite of their presence in the
educational market for a long time and offering various benefits to user's, ebooks
have not been popular in the academic circles specifically in the
textbook segment. Publishing companies have been trying to promote e-books
across institutions and have tried to modify their product offerings. This
research has made an attempt to understand the factors influencing the
students and faculty of management institutions. The research also aimed to
understand the awareness, adoption and usage of e-books among students and
faculty. Another objective was to understand the benefits preferred by
students and faculty. The research also aimed at understanding the challenges
faced by students and faculty preventing them to use e-books..