About the Book
Eight females including high school students and two males, a police officer including this author ran into a horrifying brick wall that 'forced' treatment and custody upon us for four weeks at the Behavioral Health Psychiatric Unit in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fact is, most of us had no yearning to enter the sober world which produced a shared commodity towards release - lip-service. As we sat in group meetings, we heard the stories of these troubled participants which are shared in this book. Two of the patients were celebrities of sorts: one was a Russian spy and the other was the daughter of U.S. Senator, although they denied it. Despite the author's criminal psychologist credentials the accounts of these patients revealed that he knew little about their nasty world and less about incompetent mental health physicians. All of these victims were trapped in a world of thick darkness, and the only dim light that appeared was through the aid of narcotics and alcohol regardless of age, occupation, or family responsibilities. While the bizarre stories in this book are faithful to the truth, the reality of the conveyed truth is dignified by the author. Table of ContentsPrefaceAbout the AuthorAcknowledgementsIntroductionStory 1: Carla MacDonald; 18 years of age, female partner, cocaineaddict, alcoholic, poor grades from community college, excessively dependent on others. Story 2: Mariel Hastings; 25 year old female, single, prescribedmedications, alcoholic, graduated from Wesleyan College in education, highly manipulative and always engaging others.Story 3: Kateryna Voloshyn; single, cocaine addict, alcoholic, from Russia, graduated from the American University in Cairo, Egypt, and New York Law student. Story 4: Alexis Martinis; 17 years old, heroin addict, alcoholic, quithigh school, street smart, childhood abuse. Story 5: Kianna Luciana Mars; married, three children, cocaine addict, alcoholic, mood swings, graduated from Elon University in Master's in Psychology with honors.Story 6: Kiley Bisset; single, cocaine addict, alcoholic, cheerleader, ballerina, graduated Georgetown University. Story 7: Angela Romano; married, mother, cocaine addict, alcoholic, jogger in Central Park in New York City, upper socioeconomic class. Story 8: Emma Lou Harrison; 16 years old, prescribed medicationsaddict, alcoholic, quit high school, lack of parental supervision other than credit cards and home for parties. Story 9: Jakub Kowalski; married, former police investigator, prescribed medications addict, alcoholic, husband, father of 3, UNC graduate, church bible school leader. Story 10: Dallas Delreno; single, criminal psychologist, teacher, alcoholic and addicted to pain relievers available legally by prescription.