Chapter 1: The Stroh Formalism for Static Elasticity
Section 1.1: Basic Elasticity
Section 1.2: Stroh's Eigenvalue Problem
Section 1.3: Rotational Invariance of Stroh Eigenvector in Reference Plane
Section 1.4: Forms of Basic Solutions When Stroh's Eigenvalue Problem is Degenerate
Section 1.5: Rotational Dependence When Stroh's Eigenvalue Problem is Degenerate
Section 1.6: Angular Average of Stroh's Eigenvalue Problem: Integral Formalism
Section 1.7: Surface Impedance Tensor
Section 1.8: Examples
Subsection 1.8.1: Isotropic Media
Subsection 1.8.2: Transversely Isotropic Media
Section 1.9: Justification of the Solutions in the Stroh Formalism
Section 1.10: Comments and References
Section 1.11: Exercises
Chapter 2: Applications in Static Elasticity
Section 2.1: Fundamental Solutions
Subsection 2.1.1: Fundamental Solution in the Stroh Formalism
Subsection 2.1.2: Formulas for Fundamental Solutions: Examples
Section 2.2: Piezoelectricity
Subsection 2.2.1: Basic Theory
Subsection 2.2.2: Extension of the Stroh Formalism
Subsection 2.2.3: Surface Impedance Tensor of Piezoelectricity
Subsection 2.2.4: Formula for Surface Impedance Tensor of Piezoelectricity: Example
Section 2.3: Inverse Boundary Value Problem
Subsection 2.3.1: Dirichlet to Neumann map
Subsection 2.3.2: Reconstruction of Elasticity Tensor
Subsubsection Reconstruction of Surface Impedance Tensor from Localized Dirichlet to Neumann Map
Subsubsection Reconstruction of Elasticity Tensor from Surface Impedance Tensor
Section 2.4: Comments and References
Section 2.5: Exercises
Chapter 3: Rayleigh waves in the Stroh formalism
Section 3.1: The Stroh Formalism for Dynamic Elasticity
Section 3.2: Basic Theorems and Integral Formalism
Section 3.3: Rayleigh Waves in Elastic Half-space
Section 3.4: Rayleigh Waves in Isotropic Elasticity
Section 3.5: Rayleigh Waves in Weakly Anisotropic Elastic Media
Section 3.6: Rayleigh Waves in Anisotropic Elasticity
Subsection 3.6.1: Limiting Wave Solution
Subsection 3.6.2: Existence Criterion Based on S_3
Subsection 3.6.3: Existence Criterion Based on Z
Subsection 3.6.4: Existence Criterion Based on Slowness Sections
Section 3.7: Comments and References
Section 3.8: Exercises