Your financial freedom is a function of your ability to budget and control your money. Every day you are faced with important money decisions that can make or mar your financial future. Whether you have a billion dollar or not, you must make money decisions.
Money must be budgeted and controlled; else it evaporates in spite of the amount in your possession. In Stress-Free Money control and budgeting, John Wealth identified some causes of money stress, money control strategies, why you need a budget, budget myths, budget traps and how to evade them, how to control your paycheck value, risks of living paycheck to paycheck and how to save when you are broke.
He discloses the risks, prejudices, and key mistakes that keep so many persons trapped and hold them back from reaching their money goals. Your financial security and peace of mind are vital for your long-term emotional stability and these are within reach, but most people don't know where to begin. The views in Stress-Free Money control and budgeting, will give you confidence, impetus and guidance toward a stress-free money life.
Dr John Wealth, a successful Professional Accountant and financial consultant for two decades, authored this book to equip people with the skills needed to lead a stress-free money life, whether you are a billionaire or not.
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