Hi. I'm Gemma villers. I'm 17 years old. I was born on the 19th of April. I attend Starr high which is owned by my father. It was named after my deceased mum, who died when I was seven. Since then my father reared me, I'm the pretentious, pampered, and haughty daughter of principal Villers. Call me whatever you want, I'm still the most gorgeous and the queen of Starr high.
Check me out, I'm slender with a wonderful figure like that of a model, my curves in the appropriate spots. I'm 5'6 feet tall, my hair is blonde and I have the gorgeous ocean blue eyes of my mum. I was the duplicate of her. That's why I'm daddy's greatest treasure. With only a small tear on my cheek, daddy had done what I desire.
Girls adore me, guys hope they could have me. But I selected the only ones I like. I have one best friend Camille. And this girl I loathe so much. My erstwhile best buddy, Angel. Angel, Camille, and I were best friends in middle school. Oh not till the bitch grew envious of me and stole away my first love. She wants to be like me, but she can never, I repeat, CAN Never.
I've dated every attractive man in this School, then later discard them like a garbage bag. That doesn't imply I'm not a virgin, however. Everyone thinks I'm not a Virgin even my best friend. How is it feasible right?
Well, this is what I do.
Dating a man for a month, you should realize that the guy would likely ask for s3x sooner or later. So after a month, I simply seek for a dumb thing he did and use it against him or maybe not, sometimes just a text message will suffice and the story is circulated all around the school the second day. That's how popular I am.
The reason why I do this is that- Ah I'm going to tell you a secret now swear you won't tell anybody.
You know what? You should simply discover yourself, beginning from the first episode to the finish.
Copyright Barbara J. Epstein, 2022