About the Book
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1860. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... Soemmering, 332; Strata's Prolu- siones, 330; Sturgeon's Experiments, 334; Submarine, 335; Volta and Gal- vani, 332; Watson, Dr., his Experi- ments, 331; Wheatstone and Cooke, 334; Wilkins, Bishop, 330; Young, Arthur, 332. Electricity, Applications of, to the Arts, 337, 338. Electro-magnetic Engine, 337. Electro-metallurgv, 337. Ellesmere Canal Works, 267- England, Printing brought into, 16. Etruria, Village founded by Wedgwood, Euler, his blindness, 133; his Letters to a German Princess, 132; his Powers of Calculation, 132,133. Evelyn Family's Gunpowder-mills, 24. Evelyn, John, visits Sir S. Morland, 101. Fabek's Speaking Machine, 51. Faenza Ware and Palissy, 183. Faraday and Davy, Anecdote of, 250; on Diving, 34; Optical Glass-makmg, 156. Felkin, Mr., and Silk Culture, 232. Fire-engine, the, invented, 103. Fly, Iron, 45. Flying Chariot. Bishop Wilkins's, 61. Flying, imitative, 60. Folly, Friar Bacon's, at Oxford, 76. Framework Knitters' Society, 235. France, Printing introduced into, 16. Franklin, Dr., proves the identity of Lightning and Electricity, 239; his grave, 239, 240. Frauenhofer's Optical Glass, 157. Frederick the Great and the Automaton Chess-player, 55. French, Mr.', his Life and Times of Sa- muel Crompton, 215 "Fulton of the Orrery," Account of, 114. Fulton, Robert, and Steam Navigation, 281, 282. Galen, Overthrow of, 123. Galileo's Blindness, 149; his first Survey of the Heavens, 148; his first Tele- scope, 147; the invention of the Tele- scope, 145-149; and the Pump, 26. Galley of Hiero, 4, 5. Garnerin's Balloon Ascents, 69, 70. Gas, Coal, Process of making, 266. Gases, Chemistry of the, 242, 243. Gas-lighting in China, 253 j Cotton-mills, 254; in England, 254; Progress of, 253-257. "Gauging the Heavens," 163. Gay Lussac's Balloon Observations, ...