What if beginning today you could start attracting into your life...
The career that you desire?
The relationships you desire?
The physical shape you have always wanted to obtain?
A life filled with a greater sense of peace and purpose?
What if you knew that it is ONLY YOU keeping yourself from all that you would like to attract into your life?
If there was a simple, effective, powerful and proven way to teach you how to begin attracting a better life and all that comes with it, would you be open to it?
If the answer to the last question is YES!... this book has been written for YOU!
STOP WATERING THE WEEDS - is a book about personal growth and transformation. Each thought that we hold in our mind creates our reality. What you think about you become!
The lessons contained in this little book will teach you ways to change the attention of your thoughts to what you want in your life, instead of placing your attention on what you don't want. With simplicity and down-to-earth practicality you will be able to apply the techniques in this book to your everyday life! And develop your life to the fullest!
If your life is in need of a transformation, this book can help you begin the necessary changes needed to create that transformation! A book filled with insight, humor, hope and a universal wisdom!
For a free preview of Stop Watering the Weeds, click the cover and read inside this amazing self-transformational book
About the Author:
Terry Prince is a Singer-Songwriter, Self-Published Author/ lecturer and Nationally Certified Fitness Instructor teaching on the Body, Mind and Spirit connection. Through it all he prides himself in being a student of life, knowing that we each have something to learn as well as something to teach. The message of love, compassion and self-awareness is consistent throughout his works. Born in Deming, New Mexico he now resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. His works are being shared and enjoyed all across the world.